Chapter 16 Timer/PWM Module (S08TPMV3)
MC9S08SH8 MCU Series Data Sheet, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
The TPM includes these distinctive features:
One to eight channels:
— Each channel may be input capture, output compare, or edge-aligned PWM
— Rising-Edge, falling-edge, or any-edge input capture trigger
— Set, clear, or toggle output compare action
— Selectable polarity on PWM outputs
Module may be congured for buffered, center-aligned pulse-width-modulation (CPWM) on all
Timer clock source selectable as prescaled bus clock, xed system clock, or an external clock pin
— Prescale taps for divide-by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128
— Fixed system clock source are synchronized to the bus clock by an on-chip synchronization
— External clock pin may be shared with any timer channel pin or a separated input pin
16-bit free-running or modulo up/down count operation
Timer system enable
One interrupt per channel plus terminal count interrupt
Modes of Operation
In general, TPM channels may be independently congured to operate in input capture, output compare,
or edge-aligned PWM modes. A control bit allows the whole TPM (all channels) to switch to
center-aligned PWM mode. When center-aligned PWM mode is selected, input capture, output compare,
and edge-aligned PWM functions are not available on any channels of this TPM module.
When the microcontroller is in active BDM background or BDM foreground mode, the TPM temporarily
suspends all counting until the microcontroller returns to normal user operating mode. During stop mode,
all system clocks, including the main oscillator, are stopped; therefore, the TPM is effectively disabled
until clocks resume. During wait mode, the TPM continues to operate normally. Provided the TPM does
not need to produce a real time reference or provide the interrupt source(s) needed to wake the MCU from
wait mode, the user can save power by disabling TPM functions before entering wait mode.
Input capture mode
When a selected edge event occurs on the associated MCU pin, the current value of the 16-bit timer
counter is captured into the channel value register and an interrupt ag bit is set. Rising edges,
falling edges, any edge, or no edge (disable channel) may be selected as the active edge which
triggers the input capture.
Output compare mode
When the value in the timer counter register matches the channel value register, an interrupt ag
bit is set, and a selected output action is forced on the associated MCU pin. The output compare
action may be selected to force the pin to zero, force the pin to one, toggle the pin, or ignore the
pin (used for software timing functions).