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16-Bit DSP Servo Control With the MC68HC16Z1
By David Wilson
This application note discusses digital filter implementation of Proportional, Integral, Differential (PID) con-
trol algorithms. The implementation takes advantage of the control-oriented digital signal processing capa-
bilities of the Motorola M68HC16 family of modular microcontrollers.
Microcontrollers have come a long way in the past two decades. Once relegated strictly to computer appli-
cations, these devices have steadily encroached on domains previously dominated by analog technology.
Closed-loop control systems are among the most recent bastions to fall. Control systems based on digital
processing of measured values are inherently less sensitive to changes in temperature and to aging than
systems implemented with analog circuitry. In addition, digital system performance can be changed by de-
veloping new software rather than by physically altering a PC board. In fact, many emerging controller tech-
nologies, such as adaptive control, would be economically unattainable if not for digital processing
After the decision to use a digital solution has been made, a designer must evaluate system requirements
to determine what type of device is best suited for the job. The decision often comes down to a choice be-
tween a standard microcontroller or a digital signal processor. Although design constraints vary, all digital
signal processors are designed specifically to perform algebraic sum of products calculations at high
Standard microcontrollers are best suited for applications that require relatively little real-time control, and
also require the controller to perform other tasks, such as running an operating system or user interface.
Digital signal processors, on the other hand, are generally used when a control algorithm is real-time inten-
sive, and other system tasks can be handled by a master processor. There is thus a price-performance gap
between general-purpose controllers and specialized, dedicated DSP engines.
The M68HC16 family of modular microcontrollers bridges the gap between standard microcontrollers and
digital signal processors. The CPU16 module provides a rich instruction set as well as dedicated control-
oriented DSP capability, while other system modules provide a variety of interfacing options. The high level
of functional integration in M68HC16 devices reduces the amount of external hardware necessary to
achieve a complete system solution.
The M68HC16 family bridges another gap by providing a migration path from the M68HC11 family of 8-bit
controllers to the M68300 family of 32-bit modular controllers. Many M68HC16 and M68300 modules, such
as the general-purpose timer (GPT), queued serial module (QSM), and system integration module (SIM),
are identical. Use of the SIM provides both families with a common external bus interface.