Pin Descriptions
M68HC11E Family Data Sheet, Rev. 5.1
Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 1-9. Common Parallel Resonant Crystal Connections
Figure 1-10. External Oscillator Connections
1.4.4 E-Clock Output (E)
E is the output connection for the internally generated E clock. The signal from E is used as a timing
reference. The frequency of the E-clock output is one fourth that of the input frequency at the XTAL and
EXTAL pins. When E-clock output is low, an internal process is taking place. When it is high, data is being
All clocks, including the E clock, are halted when the MCU is in stop mode. To reduce RFI emissions, the
E-clock output of most E-series devices can be disabled while operating in single-chip modes.
The E-clock signal is always enabled on the MC68HC811E2.
1.4.5 Interrupt Request (IRQ)
The IRQ input provides a means of applying asynchronous interrupt requests to the MCU. Either negative
edge-sensitive triggering or level-sensitive triggering is program selectable (OPTION register). IRQ is
always configured to level-sensitive triggering at reset. When using IRQ in a level-sensitive wired-OR
configuration, connect an external pullup resistor, typically 4.7 k
, to VDD.
1.4.6 Non-Maskable Interrupt (XIRQ/VPPE)
The XIRQ input provides a means of requesting a non-maskable interrupt after reset initialization. During
reset, the X bit in the condition code register (CCR) is set and any interrupt is masked until MCU software
enables it. Because the XIRQ input is level-sensitive, it can be connected to a multiple-source wired-OR
network with an external pullup resistor to VDD. XIRQ is often used as a power loss detect interrupt.
Whenever XIRQ or IRQ is used with multiple interrupt sources each source must drive the interrupt input
with an open-drain type of driver to avoid contention between outputs.
10 M
4 x E
4 x E