Instruction Execution Timing
10.3.2 Data ATC Miss
A single, “C-index” level, normal table search (the only U-bit or M-bit update possible is
for the page descriptor itself).
Given a memory response time of “w-x-y-z” to the bus interface of the MC68060.
Data ATC Miss = 8+3*w(3/0), if U-bit and M-bit of descriptor are in the proper state.
Data ATC Miss = 14+4*w(3/1), if M-bit only, or U-bit and M-bit of descriptor must be set by
the MC68060.
Data ATC Miss = 16+5*w(4/1), if U-bit only of descriptor must be set by the MC68060.
10.3.3 Instruction Cache Miss
The following degradation time assumes the MC68060 instruction buffer is empty and
the instruction cache miss memory access time is fully exposed. This is an estimated
degradation using a conservative assumption.
Note that the MC68060 instruction fetch pipeline prefetches continually, loading instruc-
tions into the instruction buffer, which decouples the instruction fetch pipeline from the
operand execution pipeline. As a result, instruction cache miss memory access times
for most operations will be partially or completely hidden by the instruction buffer, con-
tributing minimal degradation to actual execution time.
The following degradation estimate assumes an instruction fetch flow of sequential op-
erations, the cache miss line is entered sequentially and contains no branches/jumps.
Given a memory response time of “w-x-y-z” to the bus interface of the MC68060.
Instruction Cache Miss (Line Fill) = w+x+y+z
10.3.4 Data Cache Miss
Given a memory response time of “w-x-y-z” to the bus interface of the MC68060.
If copyback mode:
Data Cache Miss (Line Fill) = 2+w {+, if during x+y+z a memory data operand reference is
made by a subsequent instruction, an operand execution pipeline stall will take place until
the entire line is written into the data cache during x+y+z}
If noncachable mode (operand read):
Data Cache Miss = 2+w
If noncacheable mode (operand write) and precise mode or write buffer disabled:
Data Cache Miss = 3+w