High-Power, Quad, Monolithic, PSE Controllers
for Power over Ethernet
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Powered Device Classification
(PD Classification)
During the PD classification mode, the MAX5965A/
MAX5965B force a probe voltage (-18V) at DET_ and
measure the current into DET_. The measured current
determines the class of the PD.
After each classification cycle, the device sets the
CL_END_ bit (R04h/05h[7:4]) high and reports the clas-
sification results in the status registers R0Ch[6:4],
R0Dh[6:4], R0Eh[6:4], and R0Fh[6:4]. The CL_END_ bit
is reset to low when read through register R05h or after
a port reset. Both events registers, R04h, and R05h are
cleared after the port powers down. Table 2 shows the
IEEE 802.3af requirement for a PSE classifying a PD at
the power interface (PI).
The MAX5965A/MAX5965B support high power beyond
the IEEE 802.3af standard by providing additional clas-
sifications (Class 5 and 2-event classification).
Class 5 PD Classification
During classification, if the MAX5965A/MAX5965B
detect currents in excess of I
> 48mA, then the
PD will be classified as a Class 5 powered device.
Status registers R0Ch[6:4] or R0Dh[6:4] or R0Eh[6:4] or
R0Fh[6:4] will report the Class 5 classification result.
2-Event (Class 6) PD Classification
When 2-event classification is activated, the classifica-
tion cycle is repeated three times with 8ms wait time
between each cycle (see Figure 1b). Between each
classification cycle, the MAX5965A/MAX5965B do not
reset the port voltage completely but keeps the output
voltage at -9V. The EN_CL6 bits in R1Ch[7:4] enable 2-
event classification on a per port basis.
Powered State
When the MAX5965A/MAX5965B enter a powered
state, the t
and t
timers are reset. Before
turning on the port power, the MAX5965A/MAX5965B
check if any other port is not turning on and if the
timer is zero. Another check is performed if the
ACD_EN_ bit is set, in this case the OSC_FAIL bit must
be low (oscillator is okay) for the port to be powered.
If these conditions are met, the MAX5965A/MAX5965B
enter startup where it turns on power to the port. An
internal signal, POK_, asserts high when V
is within
2V from V
. PGOOD_ status bits are set high if POK_
stays high longer than t
. PGOOD_ immediately
resets when POK_ goes low (see Figure 2).
The PG_CHG_ bit sets when a port powers up or down.
PWR_EN_ sets when a port powers up and resets when
a port shuts down. The port shutdown timer lasts 0.5ms
and prevents other ports from turning off during that peri-
od, except in the case of emergency shutdowns (RESET
= L, RESET_IC = H, V
and T
The MAX5965A/MAX5965B always check the status of
all ports before turning off. A priority logic system deter-
mines the order to prevent the simultaneous turn-on or
turn-off of the ports. The port with the lesser ordinal
number gets priority over the others (i.e., port 1 turns on
first, port 2 second, port 3 third, and port 4 fourth).
Setting PWR_OFF_ high turns off power to the corre-
sponding port.
Table 2. PSE Classification of a PD (Refer to Table 33-4 of the IEEE 802.3af)
0 to 5
Class 0
> 5 and < 8
May be Class 0 and 1
8 to 13
Class 1
> 13 and < 16
May be Class 1 or 2
16 to 21
Class 2
> 21 and < 25
May be Class 2 or 3
25 to 31
Class 3
> 31 and < 35
May be Class 3 or 4
35 to 45
Class 4
> 45 and < 51
May be Class 4 or 5
51 to 68
Class 5