Mar 31, 2009
7549 Group
Note on Programming
1. Processor Status Register
(1) Initialization of the processor status register
It is required to initialize the processor status register (PS) flags
which affect program execution. It is particularly essential to
initialize the T and D flags because of their effect on
calculations. Initialize these flags at the beginning of the
At a reset, the contents of the processor status register (PS) are
undefined except for the I flag which is “1”.
Fig. 86 Initialization of processor status register flags
(2) How to refer the processor status register
To refer the contents of the processor status register (PS),
execute the PHP instruction once and then read the contents of
(S+1). If necessary, execute the PLP instruction to return the
stored PS to its original status.
Fig 87. Stack memory contents after PHP instruction
2. Decimal Calculations
(1) Instructions for decimal calculations
To perform decimal calculations, set the decimal mode (D) flag
to “1” with the SED instruction and execute the ADC or SBC
instruction. In that case, after the ADC or SBC instruction,
execute another instruction before the SEC, CLC, or CLD
Fig 88. Instructions for decimal calculations
(2) Status flag at decimal calculations
When the ADC or SBC instruction is executed in decimal mode
(D flag = “1”), three of the status flags (N, V, and Z) are
The carry (C) flag is set to “1” if a carry is generated and is
cleared to “0” if a borrow is generated as a result of a calculation,
so it can be used to determine whether the calculation has
generated a carry or borrow.
Initialize the C flag before each calculation.
3. JMP Instruction
When using the JMP instruction (indirect addressing mode), do
not specify the address where “FF16” is allocated to the low-
order 8 bits as the operand.
4. Multiplication and Division Instructions
(1) The MUL and DIV instructions are not affected by the T
and D flags.
(2) Executing these instructions does not change the contents of
the processor status register.
Initialize the flags
Main program
Stored PS
(S) + 1
Set the decimal mode (D) flag to “1”
Execute the ADC or SBC instruction
Execute the SEC, CLC, or CLD instruction