UV (Pin 1):
Undervoltage Sense Input. UV is an input that
enables the output voltage. When UV is driven above 4V,
GATE will start charging and the output turns on. When
UV goes below 3.6V, GATE discharges and the output
shuts off.
Pulsing UV to below 0.4V for at least 5
s after a current
limit fault cycle resets the fault latch (when RETRY pin is
low, commanding latch off operation) and allows the part
to turn back on. This command is only accepted after
TIMER is discharged below 0.65V. To disable UV sensing,
connect the pin to a voltage between 5V and 44V.
OV (Pin 2):
Overvoltage Sense Input. OV is an input that
disables the output voltage. If OV ever goes above 4V,
GATE is discharged and the output shuts off. When OV
goes below 3.6V, GATE starts charging and the output
turns back on. To disable overvoltage sensing, connect pin
to ground.
NC (Pins 3, 6, 11, 14):
No Connect. Not connected to any
internal circuitry.
OPEN (Pin 4):
Open Circuit Detect Output. This pin is an
open collector output that releases and is pulled high
through an external resistor if the load current is less than
PWRGD (Pin 5):
Power Good Output. PWRGD is pulled
low whenever the voltage on FB falls below the high-to-low
threshold voltage. It goes into a high impedance state
when the voltage on FB exceeds the low-to-high threshold
voltage. An external pull-up resistor can pull PWRGD to a
voltage higher or lower than V
RETRY (Pin 7):
Current Fault Retry Input. RETRY com-
mands the operational mode of the current limit. If RETRY
is floating, the LT4256-3 automatically restarts after a
current fault. If it is connected to a voltage below 0.4V, it
will latch off after a current fault (which requires that UV be
cycled low in order to start normal operation again).
GND (Pin 8):
Device Ground. This pin must be tied to a
ground plane for best performance.
TIMER (Pin 9):
Timing Input. An external timing capacitor
from TIMER to GND programs the maximum time the part
is allowed to remain in current limit. When the part goes
into current limit, a 115
A pull-up current source starts to
charge the timing capacitor. When the voltage on TIMER
reaches 4.65V (typ), GATE is pulled low; the TIMER pull-
up current will be turned off and the capacitor is discharged
by a 3
A pull-down current. When TIMER falls below 0.65V
(typ), GATE turns on again if RETRY is high (if RETRY is
low, UV must be pulsed low to reset the internal fault latch
before GATE will turn on). If RETRY is grounded and UV is
not cycled low, GATE remains latched off and TIMER will
be discharged to near ground. UV must be cycled low after
TIMER has discharged below 0.65V (typ) to reset the part.
If RETRY is floating or connected to a voltage above its
1.2V threshold, the LT4256-3 automatically restarts after
a current fault. Under an output short-circuit condition, the
LT4256-3 cycles on and off with a 3% on-time duty cycle.
FB (Pin 10):
Power Good Comparator Input. FB monitors
the output voltage through an external resistive divider.
When the voltage on FB is lower than the high-to-low
threshold of 3.99V, PWRGD is pulled low and released
when FB is pulled above the 4.45V low-to-high threshold.
The voltage present on FB affects foldback current limit
(see Figure8 and related discussion).
(Pin 12):
Output Voltage Sense Input. This pin
should be connected to the source of the external MOSFET.
It is used to sense when the MOSFET is shut off (during any
fault mode) and to reduce the pull-down current on GATE.
This protects the LT4256-3 from excessive power dissipa-
tion when large output capacitors are used.