Functional Description
All functions of the LM1269 are controlled through the I
Bus. Details on the internal registers are covered in the
C Interface Registers Section. Figure 1 shows the block
diagram of the LM1269. The I
C signals come in on pins
11 and 12 and go to the I
C Interface. Both the internal
blocks with an “R” and the four external DACs are con-
trolled by the I
C Interface. The video and OSD blocks
are shown for the red channel in Figure 1 The blocks for
both the green and blue channels are not shown; how-
ever, they are identical to the red channel.
Proper operation of the LM1269 does require a very
accurate reference voltage. This voltage is generated in
the V
block. To insure an accurate voltage over tem-
perature, an external resistor is used to set the current in
the V
stage. The external resistor is connected to pin
10. This resistor should be 1% and have a temperature
coefficient under 100 ppm/C. ALL VIDEO SIGNALS
MUST BE KEPTAWAY FROM PIN 10. This pin has a very
high input impedance and will pick up any high frequency
signals routed near it. The board layout shown in Figure
10 is a good example of trace routing near pin 10. The
output of the V
stage goes to a number of blocks in the
video section and also to pin 21. This pin allows capacitor
filtering on the V
output and offers an accurate external
reference. A buffer must be used with this reference, the
maximum current loading should be only 100 μA.
Any noise injected into pin 21 will appear on the video. The voltage
reference must be kept very clean for best performance of the
The video inputs are pins 5, 6, and 7. Looking at the red
channel (pin 5) note that the “Clamp DC Restore Amp” is
connected to this pin. Since the video must beAC coupled to
the LM1269, the coupling cap is also used to store the
reference voltage for DC restoration. The “Clamp DC Re-
store Amp” block charges the input capacitor to the correct
voltage when the clamp pulse (pin 23) is active. The “Hi Z
Input Buffer Amp” buffers the video signal for internal pro-
cessing. Input impedance to this stage is typically 20 M
With such a high impedance the DC restoration can appear
to be working for a number of minutes after the clamp pulse
is removed.
The output of the BufferAmp goes to the Contrast stage. The
7 bit contrast register (03h) sets the contrast level through
the I
C bus. This register controls the Contrast stage in each
video channel. Contrast adjustment range is up to 20 dB.
Loading all zeros in the contrast register gives 20 dB at-
tenuation.All ones will give no attenuation. The output of this
stage is used as the feedback for the DC restoration loop.
“Auto Beam Limit Amp” or ABL is the next block in the video
path. This is a voltage controlled gain stage which gives no
attenuation with 5V at pin 22 and gives about 10 dB attenu-
ation with 2V at pin 2. ABL is covered in more detail later in
this section.
Next in the video path is the “OSD Mixer”. The OSD Select
signal at pin 4 controls this stage, selecting OSD with a high
at pin 4, and video with a low at pin 4. Since the DC
restoration feedback is at the Contrast output, the video
black level will match the OSD black level. The OSD signal is
mixed with the video signal at the output of this stage.
The OSD goes through the “OSD Contrast” stage before
entering the “OSD Mixer” block. Bits 3 and 4 of register 08h
control the OSD contrast giving four video levels for the OSD
window. Maximum video level for the OSD window occurs
with both bits set to one. Minimum video level will occur with
both bits set to a zero.
Following the “OSD Mixer” is the “Gain” block. Each video
channel has its own independent control of this block so the
user can balance the color of the CRT display. Registers
00h, 01h, 02h are used for the gain attenuation. These
registers are 7 bits with the maximum attenuation of 10 dB
occurring when all zeros are loaded.
The final block in the video path is the “Output Buffer Amp”.
This stage provides the drive needed for the inputs of a CRT
driver. The recommended driver for this pre-amp is one of
the LM246X family. Horizontal blanking is also added to the
video signal from the “H Blank” stage. This block is covered
in more detail below. DC offset of the output is set by the “DC
DACs Offset” stage. Bits 0 through 2 in register 08 control
this stage. This gives 8 different black levels ranging from
0.75V to 1.55V. When using one of the LM246X CRT driver
family it is recommended that the black level be set to 1.25V.
The Auto Beam Limit control reduces the gain of the
video amplifiers in response to a control voltage proportional
to the CRT beam current. TheABL acts on all three channels
in an identical manner. This is required for CRT life and X-ray
protection. The beam current limit circuit application is as
shown in Figure 4: when no current is being drawn by the
EHT supply, current flows from the supply rail through the
ABL resistor and into the ABL input of the IC. The IC clamps
the input voltage to a low impedance voltage source (the 5V
supply rail).
When current is drawn from the EHT supply, some of the
current passing through the ABL resistor goes to the EHT
supply, which reduces the current flowing into the ABL input
of the IC.
When the EHT current is high enough, the current flowing
into the ABL input of the IC drops to zero. This current level
determines the ABL threshold and is given by:
is the external supply (usually the CRT driver supply rail,
about 80V)
is the threshold ABL voltage of the IC
is the ABL resistor value
is the ABL limit
When the voltage on the ABL input drops below the ABL
threshold of the pre-amp, the gain of the pre-amp reduces,
which reduces the beam current. A feedback loop is thus
established which acts to prevent the average beam current
exceeding I