Status Flags
There are five status flags:
FF Full Flag
AF Almost-Full Flag
HF Half-Full Flag
AE Almost-Empty Flag
EF Empty Flag
The functionality and the synchronization of the status
flags are detailed in the Pins Descriptions (Functional)
section. All status flags are generated for 36-bit word
widths, not according to selected input or output port
Retransmit Mechanism
With standard FIFO operations, every data word can
be read out of the FIFO once. The Retransmit mechanism
allows reading the data more than once by providing
flexible control of the Read Pointer.
Associated with the Retransmit mechanism are three
control lines: RTMD[1:0], RT, and two Resource regis-
ters: RBASE and ROFFSET.
RTMD[1:0] sets the mode of operation. See Table 6.
RT enables the operation synchronous to CKO.
Retransmit allows three modes of operation:
Mark: RTMD[1:0] = 3 and RT is asserted. The value of
the Read Pointer is saved into the RBASE register.
Retransmit: RTMD[1:0] = 1 and RT is asserted. The
Read Pointer is loaded by the value of RBASE plus the
value of ROFFSET.
Retransmit and Mark: RTMD[1:0] = 2 and RT is as-
serted: The Read Pointer is loaded by the value of RBASE
plus the value of ROFFSET. Then the value of the Read
Pointer is saved into the RBASE register.
The timing of the retransmit is illustrated in Figures 26
and 27.
When RT is asserted and RTMD[1:0] is set to 1 or 2,
the flags change their value to indicate a ‘Retransmit
state’, i.e., EF, AE, FF deasserted; AF, HF asserted.
Three enable-read cycles are required to read the new
data word. The flags reflect the new status. The retransmit
is acknowledged even when the output is disabled
(ENO = LOW), but enable-read cycles are needed to fill
the pipeline with new information before reading the new
The Retransmit mechanism can be used inde-
pendently and parallel to the write operation.
RTMD[1:0] must be selected two cycles prior to
being asserted and remain stable during
At least two words need to be in the FIFO memory
array prior to performing a retransmit.
When using normal read and write operations, the FF
inhibits writing when the FIFO is full and the EF
inhibits reading when the FIFO is empty. This behav-
ior provides a protection from wraparound situations
(i.e., the Read pointer is ahead of the Write Pointer).
This protection is NOT provided when using retrans-
mit. The user should be careful not to write more than
1024 words from the marked point.
When the retransmit mechanism is not used, the
recommended connection is:
RTMD[1:0] = 3
The Retransmit mechanism can be useful in many
applications. For example:
Computer-communications applications.
When the receiver reads a block of data and finds no
errors in the data block, it can mark the beginning of
the new message by setting the FIFO in MARK mode
RTMD[1:0] = 3 and assert the RT signal for one clock
If the receiver finds an error in the data block, it can
read the last message again by setting the FIFO in
Retransmit mode RTMD[1:0] = 1 and asserting the
RT signal for one cycle.
Overlap addressing for DSP applications.
A typical DSP consists of A/D-FIFO-DSP. In many
applications, the DSP needs to read a block of data
where each block overlaps the previous block (like
the overlap-and-save method for filtering.) The over-
lap addressing can be implemented by using the
LH543620 with no additional hardware as follows:
The FIFO is set to retransmit and mark mode:
RTMD[1:0] = 2, the AF offset register is programmed
to N = Block Size, and the ROFFSET register is
programmed to (N – Overlap). The data is loaded into
the FIFO each time CKin is triggered.
The DSP can sense the AF flag of the FIFO. When-
ever this flag is being asserted, a new block of data
is available in the FIFO. The DSP then reads a block
of data, and then asserts the FIFO’s RT signal, which
causes the RP and RBASE register to be set at the
beginning of the new block.
36 Synchronous FIFO