Conditions required for mounting the LC72P366
1. Products programmed by the user:
Mount the LC72P366 using the following procedure
when using products shipped from Sanyo without the
PROM having been programmed.
2. Products programmed by Sanyo:
Mount the LC72P366 using the following procedure
when using products shipped from Sanyo with the
PROM programmed by Sanyo.
Due to the nature of the product, it is not possible for Sanyo to fully test
one-time programmable PROM microcontrollers (i.e., products with
blank PROMs) before shipment to the customer. This means that there
will be some amount of yield reduction after programming.
No. 5544-11/14
Usage Procedures
Programming the on-chip PROM
There are two methods for writing the LC72P366 on-chip PROM as follows:
— Using a general-purpose PROM programmer
A general-purpose PROM programmer can be used if a special-purpose PROM programming adapter (product
name: LC72P366 EPROM PROGRAMMER) is used. The write procedure used is the 27512 or 27C512 (with Vpp
= 12.5 V) Intel fast write method. Specify 0000H to 7FFFH as the address settings.
— Using the RE32N in-circuit emulator:
The RE32N in-circuit emulator can be used if a special-purpose PROM programming adapter (product name:
LC72P366 RE32N) is used. Use the PGOTP command as the write method.
Special-purpose writing adapters
Since there are two special-purpose PROM programming adapters as mentioned above, the correct adapter must be
General-purpose EPROM programmer adapter
: Product name LC72P366 EPROM PROGRAMMER
: Catalog no. NDK-DC-018
: Product name LC72P366 RE32N
: Catalog no. NDK-DC-020
In-circuit emulator RE32 adapter