The LC723700 Series are large-capacity ETR
microcontrollers that achieve an instruction execution time
of 1.33 μs and provide up to 64 KB of ROM and up to
2 KB of RAM. They include an on-chip high-performance
PLL circuit that features an added high-speed lock circuit
and can control the C/N characteristics of a local
oscillator. They also provide a rich set of on-chip interface
circuits, including a 3-channel serial I/O port, and an 8-
input 8-bit A/D converter.
— Up to 32K steps (32,767
16 bits)
— The subroutine area holds 4 K steps (4,096
16 bits)
— Up to 4 K
4 bits (In banks 00 through 3F)
LC723732 – ROM: 32 KB, RAM 1 KB
LC723740 – ROM: 40 KB, RAM 2 KB
LC723748 – ROM: 48 KB, RAM 2 KB
LC723756 – ROM: 56 KB, RAM 2 KB
LC723764 – ROM: 64 KB, RAM 2 KB
— 32 levels
Serial I/O
— Three channels. These circuits can support both 2-
wire and 3-wire 8-bit communication techniques,
and can be switched between MSB first and LSB
first operation.
— One of six internally generated serial transfer clock
rates can be selected: 12.5, 37.5, 187.5, 281.25, 375,
and 450 kHz.
External interrupts
— Seven interrupt inputs (pins INT0 through INT5, and
the HOLD pin)
These interrupts can be set to switch between rising
and falling edges, although the HOLD pin only
supports falling edge detection.
Internal interrupts
— Seven interrupts; four internal timer interrupts, and
three serial I/O interrupts.
Interrupt nesting levels
— 16 levels
— Interrupt are prioritized in hardware as follows:
HOLD pin > INT0 pin > INT1 pin > INT2 pin >
INT3 pin > INT4 pin > INT5 pin > S-I/O0 > S-I/O1
> S-I/O2 > internal TMR0 > internal TMR1 >
internal TMR2 > internal TMR3
A/D converter
— 8-bit resolution and 8 inputs
General-purpose ports
— Input ports: 12
— Output ports : 4
— I/O ports: 62 (These pins can be switched between
input and output in 1-bit units.)
PLL block
— Includes a sub-charge pump for high-speed locking.
— Supports dead zone control.
— Built-in unlock detection circuit.
— Twelve reference frequencies: 1, 3, 3.125, 5, 6.25, 9,
10, 12.5, 25, 30, 50, and 100 kHz.
— A second PLL circuit is also included for use in AM
up conversion.
Universal counter
— This 20-bit counter can be used for either frequency
or period measurement and supports four
measurement (calculation) periods: 1, 4, 8, and 32 ms.
— Two fixed timers and two programmable timers (8-
bit counters)
TMR0: Supports four periods: 10 μs, 100 μs, 1 ms,
and 5 ms
TMR1: Supports four periods: 10 μs, 100 μs, 1 ms,
and 10 ms
TMR2 and TMR3: Programmable 8-bit counters.
Input clocks with 10 μs, 100 μs, and 1 ms periods
are provided.
— One 125-ms timer flip-flop provided.
Beep circuit
— Provides 12 fixed beep tones: 0.5, 1, 2, 2.08, 2.2,
2.5, 3.33, 3.75, 4.17, and 7.03 kHz.
— Programmable 8-bit beep tone generator. Reference
clocks with frequencies of 5 kHz, 15 kHz, and 50
kHz are provided.
— Built-in voltage detection reset circuit
— External reset pin
51398RM (OT) No.5931-1/14
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN
ETR Microcontrollers
Ordering number : EN5931