The head load /unload mechanisms are just buff-
ers for driving external power transistors. Control-
led internally by Bit 3 and Bit 4 of the VCM Driver
Register, each output has a current surcing capa-
bility of 10mA.
The Sensorless Spindle Driver function can be
accessed from the microprocessor over the data
bus to the Spin Register and Spin D/A. The Spin
D/A is in Binary format. The operationof the Spin-
dle system is controlled entirely by the microproc-
essor from start-up to speed regulaton. The spin
systemis accessibleby selecting the Spin Control
Register with the address 011 on the 3 bit ad-
dressbus andhas the following functions:
1)Enable (Bit 0): high to enable the spin sys-
tem, while a low
spindle motor (if VCRenable is low.)
2)Sense amplifier gain (Bit 1): high implies
high current mode which is
low sense amp gain, while a low selects
low current mode
3)Unipolar/Bipolar (Bit 2): High selects the
Unipolardriving mode.
4)Run/Search Mode (Bit 3): high selects the
run mode whereby the Hall
output gives speed information while a low
asserts the search mode whereby the se-
quencer is under
P control (stepper func-
5)Reset State (Bit 4): a low level resets the
commutationstate sequencer.
6)Incremental state (Bit 5): togglingof the bit
increments the sequencer
output stage when search mode is se-
7)Linear/PWM (Bit 6): high selects linear
mode of driving for current
lation while a low sets to PWM mode used
during start-up.
Start-up current limiting is accomplished by the
output of the microprocessor commanded D/A
value. Jammed or stuck rotor detection is also
done as part of the microprocessor algorithm. In-
tegrated diode are present in the power bridge for
BEMF rectification. This rectified voltage is used
to retract the actuator and unload or latch the
head assembly.
A conventional Bandgap is used to generate in-
ternal biasing for the device as well as the refer-
encevoltage for theD/A converters.
asserts braking of the
equivalent to
or high sense amp
to drive the
(speed) regu-
A Step-up Converter is used to generate a 15V
internal supply to drive the upper DMOSs and a
regulated 11.6V internal supply to power internal
circuits which have voltage head room problem,
aswell as to drivethe lower DMOSs.
A Low Voltage Detector (LVD) is incorporated to
sense a severely low value of applied voltage so
as to shunt-down the VCM and Spindle drivers.
The LVD is activated when the applied voltage
drops below 4.3V (+/-0.1V). When a voltage drop
is sensed, the LVD:
1. asserts POR, which resets the internalregister ;
2. retracts the actuator ;
3. applies the dynamic brake.
When a severe low value of applied voltage is
sensed, the motor control system goes into reset
mode and also asserts the POR line to reset
other circuits. The sub-circuit which get affected
bythe reset mode in the motor control system are
the Spin Control Register, the VCM Driver Regis-
ter, the SpindleD/A and the VCM D/A. This effec-
tively disables the spin driver, VCM driver, head
load/unloaddriver and initializes the D/A’s at zero
output command value.
An Over Velocity Detector circuit is integrated to
sense when head arms are moving at a speed
which could cause a damaging condition. When
an over velocity condition is detected sensing the
actuatorBEMF, the actuator driver is shut off and
held off until the microprocessorhas detectedthis
conditionand then resets the error and retries the
The microprocessor has the possibility to put the
device in sleep mode, which is asserted when
both the VCM and Spindle drivers are disabled
through the internal registers (Enable VCM and
Enable Spindle). Under this condition, only the
POR circuit is kept ”alive”, thus power consump-
tion is kept at minimal. Before sleep mode is acti-
vated, the microprocessor must move the actua-
tor to the unload zone, unload the recording
heads, and apply dynamic braking.
All bits of all the registers are readable by the mi-
croprocessor interface. Also there are certain bits
of the internal registers which are writable as de-
fined in the Register Definition Tables (Tables 1 -
An internal register monitors the internal work of
the system and latchescertain error condition that