response are determined by a compensationnet-
work connected between its output and ground.
This OTAhas a large bandwidth(300KHz)and so
its pole does not interfere with the pole and zero
of the Motor + Power Mos system and of the
compensation network. In the application the RC
network gives an high system gain at low fre-
quency to ensure good precision and a low gain
at high frequency to ensure stability of the sys-
tem. The figure 5 shows the Bode plot of the com-
pensated error amplifier plus power stage and
The RC value of the compensatingnetwork must
be choosen to have for high frequencies a flat
gain of about 20dB so that the double pole of the
motor makes the Bode diagram change its slope
and decrease with 40dB/decade stabilizing the
whole system cutting the bandwidth. An empiric
way to find good RC value for compensation net-
work can be the follow:
1)set a great value of C in order to not interfere
at high frequencies
2)give, with motor completely stopped, an exci-
tation as voltage step and acton R in order to
get an acceptable current overshoot
3)decrease the value of C until to have a good
gain at low frequencies.
To drive the upper DMOS a voltage higher than
the power supply Vp is needed. The step-up inte-
grated in the L6237 keeps the CBOOST storage
capacitor at the correct voltage.
The switching of the internal step-up circuit can
create some noise that could disturb the current
control loop. In order to minimize the interference
between the step-up circuit and the linear control
loop of the output current is suggested to choose
an LBOOST of 220
H with an equivalent series
resistor minimum of 2
Anotherway to decouplingthe noise effectsof the
step-up from the linear control loop is taking care
in the PC BOARD design about the GROUND
The charging current of the inductor, for the inter-
nal step-up converter, flowing through the pin
LBOOST (43) is coming out from the device at
GNDpin 42.
A good solution is to keep separate in the PC
BOARD the GND track connectionof this pin (42)
from the otherGND pins(6,7,8,40,41).
Pin 37 of the device is the input of the internal
sense amplifier (see Fig. 4).
The voltage at this pin provides the feedback sig-
nal which is internally used to regulate the mo-
In order to have no differences in regulated cur-