1Mx36 & 2Mx18 DDRII CIO b2 SRAM
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Rev 2.1
July. 2004
The K7I323682M and K7I321882M are 37,748,736-bits DDR Common I/O
Synchronous Pipelined Burst SRAMs.
They are organized as 1,048,576 words by 36bits for K7I323682M and 2,097,152 words by 18 bits for K7I321882M .
Address, data inputs, and all control signals are synchronized to the input clock ( K or K ).
Normally data outputs are synchronized to output clocks ( C and C ), but when C and C are tied high,
the data outputs are synchronized to the input clocks ( K and K ).
Read data are referenced to echo clock ( CQ or CQ ) outputs.
Read address and write address are registered on rising edges of the input K clocks.
Common address bus is used to access address both for read and write operations.
The internal burst counter is fiexd to 2-bit sequential for both read and write operations.
Synchronous pipeline read and late write enable high speed operations.
Simple depth expansion is accomplished by using LD for port selection.
Byte write operation is supported with BW
and BW
( BW
and BW
pins for x18 ( x36 ) device.
Nybble write operation is supported with NW
and NW
pins for x8 device.
IEEE 1149.1 serial boundary scan (JTAG) simplifies monitoriing package pads attachment status with system.
The K7I323682M and K7I321882M are implemented with SAMSUNG's high performance 6T CMOS technology
and is available in 165pin FBGA packages. Multiple power and ground pins minimize ground bounce.
Read Operations
Read cycles are initiated by initiating R/W as high at the rising edge of the positive input clock K.
Address is presented and stored in the read address register synchronized with K clock.
For 2-bit burst DDR operation, it will access two 36-bit, 18-bit or 8-bit data words with each read command.
The first pipelined data is transfered out of the device triggered by C clock following next K clock rising edge.
Next burst data is triggered by the rising edge of following C clock rising edge.
Continuous read operations are initated with K clock rising edge.
And pipelined data are transferred out of device on every rising edge of both C and C clocks.
In case C and C tied to high, output data are triggered by K and K insted of C and C.
When the LD is disabled after a read operation, the K7I323682M and K7I321882M will first complete
burst read operation before entering into deselect mode at the next K clock rising edge.
Then output drivers disabled automatically to high impedance state.
Echo clock operation
To assure the output tracibility, the SRAM provides the output Echo clock, pair of compliment clock CQ and CQ,
which are synchronized with internal data output.
Echo clocks run free during normal operation.
The Echo clock is triggered by internal output clock signal, and transfered to external through same structures
as output driver.
The following power-up supply voltage application is recommended: V
, V
, V
, V
, then V
. V
and V
can be applied
simultaneously, as long as V
does not exceed V
by more than 0.5V during power-up. The following power-down supply voltage
removal sequence is recommended: V
, V
, V
, V
, V
. V
and V
can be removed simultaneously, as long as V
does not exceed V
by more than 0.5V during power-down.
Power-Up/Power-Down Supply Voltage Sequencing