15.5.4 Error Checking when Programming
Verification on user interface data is performed when accessing the century, year, month, date, day, hours, minutes,
seconds and alarms. A check is performed on illegal BCD entries such as illegal date of the month with regard to the year
and century configured.
If one of the time fields is not correct, the data is not loaded into the register/counter and a flag is set in the validity
register. The user can not reset this flag. It is reset as soon as an acceptable value is programmed. This avoids any
further side effects in the hardware. The same procedure is done for the alarm.
The following checks are performed:
Century (check if it is in range 19 - 20)
Year (BCD entry check)
Date (check range 01 - 31)
Month (check if it is in BCD range 01 - 12, check validity regarding “date”)
Day (check range 1 - 7)
Hour (BCD checks: in 24-hour mode, check range 00 - 23 and check that AM/PM flag is not set if RTC is set in 24-
hour mode; in 12-hour mode check range 01 - 12)
Minute (check BCD and range 00 - 59)
Second (check BCD and range 00 - 59)
If the 12-hour mode is selected by means of the RTC_MR register, a 12-hour value can be programmed and the
returned value on RTC_TIMR will be the corresponding 24-hour value. The entry control checks the value of the
AM/PM indicator (bit 22 of RTC_TIMR register) to determine the range to be checked.
15.5.5 Updating Time/Calendar
To update any of the time/calendar fields, the user must first stop the RTC by setting the corresponding field in the
Control Register. Bit UPDTIM must be set to update time fields (hour, minute, second) and bit UPDCAL must be set to
update calendar fields (century, year, month, date, day).
Then the user must poll or wait for the interrupt (if enabled) of bit ACKUPD in the Status Register. Once the bit reads 1, it
is mandatory to clear this flag by writing the corresponding bit in RTC_SCCR. The user can now write to the appropriate
Time and Calendar register.
Once the update is finished, the user must reset (0) UPDTIM and/or UPDCAL in the Control
When entering programming mode of the calendar fields, the time fields remain enabled. When entering the
programming mode of the time fields, both time and calendar fields are stopped. This is due to the location of the
calendar logic circuity (downstream for low-power considerations). It is highly recommended to prepare all the fields to be
updated before entering programming mode. In successive update operations, the user must wait at least one second
after resetting the UPDTIM/UPDCAL bit in the RTC_CR (Control Register) before setting these bits again. This is done
by waiting for the SEC flag in the Status Register before setting UPDTIM/UPDCAL bit. After resetting UPDTIM/UPDCAL,
the SEC flag must also be cleared.