9. Final CAD simulation and
With reference to
Figure 21 the CAD circuit file
from step 4 is embellished to
include the effects of component
mounting pads, lengths of trans-
mission lines used to intercon-
nect components, ground vias,
bypass and blocking capacitors,
etc. (Since 900 MHz is a fairly
moderate frequency, extremely
fine detail is not required.)
Using the previous element
values for the matching circuits
as a starting point,
was used to optimize the circuit
for noise figure and output match,
which were the primary design
goals from Step 1. The input and
output matching elements were
used as variables for the optimi-
zation. Following the optimiza-
tion, the value of the stabilizing
resistor, R1, was also reviewed
and it was found that an increase
to 330
was sufficient to make
K>1 over the entire frequency
range of the S-parameters. The
circuit file for the
complete amplifier is shown in
Appendix A and the simulation
results in Appendix B.
The schematic for the complete
INA-12063 amplifier circuit is
shown in Figure 22.
A final simulation using optimized
component values predicted
performance of the amplifier at
900 MHz to be:
NF = 1.6 dB
Gain = 13.4 dB
MAG = 14.1 dB
Input RL = 8.4 dB
Output RL = 31 dB
Results of this step:
Optimization of circuit and
verification of performance goals.
10. Assemble and test.
circuit based on the PCB layout
was assembled using components
with standard values that were
closest to those resulting from
the circuit optimization.
The test results compared well
with the computer simulations
from the previous step. For this
particular circuit, it was deter-
mined experimentally that less
shunt capacitance was required at
the input than predicted by the
CAD analysis. As a result, the
shunt, open circuit stub near Pin 3
was shortened to tune the circuit
for minimum noise figure. The
final LNA is shown in Figure23.
Figure 23. Completed 900 MHz LNA.