November 29, 2000
Watchdog Timer
The WDT clock source is implemented by a ded-
icated RC oscillator (WDT oscillator) or an in-
struction clock (system clock/4) or a real time
clock oscillator (RTC oscillator). The timer is
designed to prevent a software malfunction or
sequence from jumping to an unknown location
with unpredictable results. The WDT can be
disabled by options. But if the WDT is disabled,
all executions related to the WDT lead to no op-
The WDT time-out period is fixed as f
If the WDT clock source chooses the internal
WDT oscillator, the time-out period may vary
with temperature, VDD, and process variations.
On the other hand, if the clock source selects the
instruction clock and the halt instruction is ex-
ecuted, WDT may stop counting and lose its pro-
tecting purpose, and the logic can only be
restarted by an external logic.
When the device operates in a noisy environ-
ment, using the on-chip RC oscillator (WDT
can stop the system clock.
The WDT overflow under normal operation
initializes a "chip reset" and sets the status bit
"TO". In the HALT mode, the overflow
initializes a "warm reset", and only the PC and
SP are reset to zero. To clear the contents of the
WDT, there are three methods to be adopted,
i.e., external reset (a low level to RES), software
instruction, and a HALT
are two types of software instructions; "CLR
WDT" and the other set
"CLR WDT2". Of these two types of instruction,
only one type of instruction can be active at a
time depending on the options
times selection option . If the "CLR WDT" is se-
lected (i.e., CLR WDT times equal one), any ex-
ecution of the "CLR WDT" instruction clears
the WDT. In the case that "CLR WDT1" and
"CLR WDT2" are chosen (i.e., CLR WDT times
ecuted to clear the WDT; otherwise, the WDT
may reset the chip due to time-out.
instruction. There
"CLR WDT1" and
Multi-function timer
The HT49R50A provides a multi-function timer
for the WDT, time base and RTC but with differ-
ent time-out periods. The multi-function timer
consists of a 8-stage divider and an 7-bit
prescaler, with the clock source coming from the
WDT OSC or RTC OSC or the instruction clock
(i.e.., system clock divided by 4). The
multi-function timer also provides a selectable
frequency signal (ranges from f
to f
) for
LCD driver circuits, and a selectable frequency
signal (ranges from f
to f
) for the buzzer
output by options. It is recommended to select a
near 4kHz signal to LCD driver circuits for
proper display.
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Watchdog Timer