Intersil Space Level Product Flow -8
GAMMA Radiation Verification (Each Wafer) Method 1019,
2 Samples/Wafer, 0 Rejects
Periodic- Wire Bond Pull Monitor, Method 2011
Periodic- Die Shear Monitor, Method 2019 or 2027
100% Internal Visual Inspection, Method 2010, Condition B
100% Temperature Cycle, Method 1010, Condition C,
10 Cycles
100% Constant Acceleration, Method 2001, Condition per
Method 5004
100% External Visual
100% Initial Electrical Test
100% Dynamic Burn-In, Condition D, 160 Hours, +125
C or
Equivalent, Method 1015
100% Interim Electrical Test
100% PDA, Method 5004 (Note 1)
100% Final Electrical Test
100% Fine/Gross Leak, Method 1014
100% External Visual, Method 2009
Sample - Group A, Method 5005 (Note 2)
Sample - Group B, Method 5005 (Note 3)
Sample - Group C, Method 5005 (Notes 3 and 4)
Sample - Group D, Method 5005 (Notes 3 and 4)
100% Data Package Generation (Note 5)
1. Failures from subgroup 1, 7 are used for calculating PDA. The maximum allowable PDA = 5%.
2. Alternate Group A testing may be performed as allowed by MIL-STD-883, Method 5005.
3. Group B, C and D inspections are optional and will not be performed unless required by the P.O. When required, the P.O. should include
separate line items for Group B Test, Group C Test, Group C Samples, Group D Test and Group D Samples.
4. Group C and/or Group D Generic Data, as defined by MIL-I-38535, is optional and will not be supplied unless required by the P.O. When
required, the P.O. should include a separate line item for Group C Generic Data and/or Group D Generic Data. Generic data is not guar-
anteed to be available and is therefore not available in all cases.
5. Data Package Contents:
Cover Sheet (Intersil Name and/or Logo, P.O. Number, Customer Part Number, Lot Date Code, Intersil Part Number, Lot Number, Quan-
GAMMA Radiation Report. Contains Cover page, disposition, Rad Dose, Lot Number, Test Package used, Specification Numbers, Test
equipment, etc. Radiation Read and Record data on file at Intersil.
Screening, Electrical, and Group A attributes (Screening attributes begin after package seal).
Group B, C and D attributes and/or Generic data is included when required by the P.O.
The Certificate of Conformance is a part of the shipping invoice and is not part of the Data Book. The Certificate of Conformance is signed
by an authorized Quality Representative.
Spec Number