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Transient Response
Transient response is measured by providing a full-scale
transition to the analog input of the ADC and measuring the
number of cycles it takes for the output code to settle within
12-bit accuracy.
Over-Voltage Recovery
Over-voltage Recovery is measured by providing a full-scale
transition to the analog input of the ADC which overdrives
the input by 200mV, and measuring the number of cycles it
takes for the output code to settle within 12-bit accuracy.
Full Power Input Bandwidth (FPBW)
Full power input bandwidth is the analog input frequency at
which the amplitude of the digitally reconstructed output has
decreased 3dB below the amplitude of the input sinewave.
The input sinewave has an amplitude which swings from -fS
to +fS. The bandwidth given is measured at the specified
sampling frequency.
Timing Definitions
Refer to Figure 1, Internal Circuit Timing, and Figure 2,
Input-To-Output Timing, for these definitions.
Aperture Delay (tAP)
Aperture delay is the time delay between the external
sample command (the falling edge of the clock) and the time
at which the signal is actually sampled. This delay is due to
internal clock path propagation delays.
Aperture Jitter (tAJ)
Aperture Jitter is the RMS variation in the aperture delay due
to variation of internal clock path delays.
Data Hold Time (tH)
Data hold time is the time to where the previous data (N - 1)
is no longer valid.
Data Output Delay Time (tOD)
Data output delay time is the time to where the new data (N)
is valid.
Data Latency (tLAT)
After the analog sample is taken, the digital data is output on
the bus at the third cycle of the clock. This is due to the
pipeline nature of the converter where the data has to ripple
through the stages. This delay is specified as the data
latency. After the data latency time, the data representing
each succeeding sample is output at the following clock
pulse. The digital data lags the analog input sample by 3
clock cycles.