Section 12 8-Bit Timers
The H8S/2169 or H8S/2149 includes an 8-bit timer module with two channels (TMR0 and
TMR1). Each channel has an 8-bit counter (TCNT) and two time constant registers (TCORA and
TCORB) that are constantly compared with the TCNT value to detect compare-matches. The 8-bit
timer module can be used as a multifunction timer in a variety of applications, such as generation
of a rectangular-wave output with an arbitrary duty cycle.
The H8S/2169 or H8S/2149 also has two similar 8-bit timer channels (TMRX and TMRY). These
channels can be used in a connected configuration using the timer connection function. TMRX
and TMRY have greater input/output and interrupt function related restrictions than TMR0 and
Selection of clock sources
TMR0, TMR1: The counter input clock can be selected from six internal clocks and an
external clock (enabling use as an external event counter).
TMRX, TMRY: The counter input clock can be selected from three internal clocks and an
external clock (enabling use as an external event counter).
Selection of three ways to clear the counters
The counters can be cleared on compare-match A or B, or by an external reset signal.
Timer output controlled by two compare-match signals
The timer output signal in each channel is controlled by two independent compare-match
signals, enabling the timer to be used for various applications, such as the generation of
pulse output or PWM output with an arbitrary duty cycle.
(Note: TMRY does not have a timer output pin.)
Cascading of the two channels (TMR0, TMR1)
Operation as a 16-bit timer can be performed using channel 0 as the upper half and channel
1 as the lower half (16-bit count mode).
Channel 1 can be used to count channel 0 compare-match occurrences (compare-match
count mode).
Multiple interrupt sources for each channel
TMR0, TMR1, TMRY: Two compare-match interrupts and one overflow interrupt can be
requested independently.
TMRX: One input capture source is available.