ISA/Plug & Play Super Ethernet Contoller
To initiate a loopback, the user first assembles the loopback
packet, then selects the type of loopback using TCR bits LB0,
LB1. TCR must also be set to enable or disable CRC
generation during transmission. The user then issues a normal
transmit command to send the packet. During loopback, the
receiver checks for an address match. If the CRC bit in the
TCR is set, the receiver will also check the CRC. The last 8
bytes of the loopback packet are buffered and can be read out
of the FIFO using the FIFO read port.
Version :DM9008-DS-F02
June 14, 2000
Restrictions During Loopback
The FIFO is split into two halves. The first half is used for
transmission, the second for reception. Because only 8-bit
fields can be fetched from memory, two tests are required for
16-bit systems to verify the integrity of the entire data path.
Only the last 8 bytes of the loopback packet are retained in the
FIFO. These 8 bytes can be read through the FIFO register,
which will advance through the FIFO to allow the receive
packet to be read sequentially.
When DM9008 is in word-wide mode with Byte Order Select
set, the loopback packet must be assembled in the even byte
locations, as shown below. (The loopback only operates with
byte wide transfers.)
WTS = 1 BOS=1 in DCR
When the device is in word-wide mode with Byte Order Select
low, the following format must be used for loopback.
WTS = 1 BOS=0 in DCR
Note:When loopback is used in word mode, 2n bytes
must be programmed in TBCRO, 1, where n=actual
number of bytes assembled in even or odd
Loopback Modes
Mode 1: Loopback through the controller (LB1 = 0, LB0
If the loopback is through the ENC, the serializer is simply
linked to the deserializer, and the receive clock is derived from
the transmit clock.
Mode 2:Loopback through the ENA (LB1 = 1, LB0 = 0).
Mode 3: Loopback to Coax (LB1 = 1, LB0 =1).
Packets can be transmitted to the co-ax in loopback mode to
check all of the transmit and receive paths, as well as the co-
ax itself.
Note:It is not possible to switch directly between the loopback
modes, necessitating return to normal operation (00H) in order
to change modes.
Reading the Loopback Packet
The last eight bytes of a received packet can be examined by 8
consecutive reads of the FIFO register. The FIFO pointer is
incremented after the rising edge of the PC read strobe by
internally synchronizing and advancing. If the pointer has not
been incremented by the time the PC reads the FIFO register
again, DM9008 will insert wait states.