Revision C to D
1. Register 18, added bits 8 and 9 for user checking.
2. Register 19, added bit 6, Transformer ratio selection via software.
3. Register 20, added bits 7:4, Cable length indicators.
4. Register 24, added bit 5, RX_ER counter disable.
5. DC Characteristics: added V
, new I
, I
and I
maximum values
6. MII Management signals: MDC period changed to 40ns (min), MDC pulse high/low changed to 16ns (min)
7. MII Management signals: MDIO delay changed to 20ns (max), MDIO setup time changed to 4ns (min), MDIO
hold time changed to 3ns (max)
Revision D to E
1. Specified using resistors in the range of 1 K
to 4.7 K
for setting the PHYAD pins. Figure 8 reflects the correct
2. Added bit 10, Flow Control Support, to Register 5.
Revision E to F
1. Added industrial temperature support and new OPN(KI).
2. Minor edits.
Revision F to G
1. Removed CIM_DIS references.
2. Added pull-up resistor requirements for LEDACT_LINK[0] and LEDDPX[2]/DPLX.
3. Changed pull-up resistor values for LEDs to 1–4.7 K
4. Maximum input voltage is 5.5 V; operating voltage for 5-V-tolerant pins is 5.0 V.
5. Minor edits.
Revision G to H
1. Final version
2. Corrected pull-up resistor value for LEDACT_LINK[2] to 1k–4.7K
3. Updated package drawing - some tolerances modified.
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