82803AA MRH-R
‘stick’ channel. The EXP1 and EXP0 are used by the MRH-R to decode the Channel ID and route the
incoming request packets appropriately. Because the underlying ‘expansion’ channel request packets
have the same format as the ‘stick’ channel request packets, there is no command or address translation
Expansion control packets provide support operations and the requisite control channel bandwidth for
maintaining the many memory channels in a system. For example, the ‘expansion’ channel provides a
channel refresh command that can be overlaid on memory access requests and that does not reduce
memory bandwidth. In addition to refresh, the ‘expansion’ control packets provide commands for
memory channel powerdown exit, nap exit, precharge after refresh, current control and temperature
calibrate for ‘expansion’ bus. These, as well, have control channel bandwidth allocated so that memory
accesses are not impacted.
Refresh and Post-Refresh Precharge
The ‘expansion’ channel architecture supports the issue of broadcast refresh and post-refresh precharge
operations to a specified ‘stick’ channel that can be carried out concurrent with memory accesses. This
allows the effective BW overhead of memory refresh to be reduced.
Power Mode Control
The ‘expansion’ channel provides a control mechanism that allows an entire channel to be NAP-exited as
well as device-specific NAP exited.
The ‘expansion’ channel architecture also provides a control mechanism that allows a channel to be
activated from the power-down state concurrent with memory accesses. This is useful when a system is
being powered up. The first channel to be accessed will be powered up using an RDRAM request packet.
The ‘expansion’ channel mechanism allows additional channels to be powered up concurrently with
accesses to already powered channels.
Refer to Rambus* Technical Documentation for detailed information.
Current Calibration
The current calibration of an RDRAM device on a MRH-R ‘stick’ channel is performed by the MCH
through a Secondary Control Packet (SCP) command. The MCH issues three consecutive Current
Calibrate SCP commands followed by a Current Calibrate and Sample SCP command to the targeted
RDRAM device.
The current calibration of the ‘expansion’ channel RAC and the ‘stick’ channel RACs in the MRH-R is
accomplished through an EXP0 packet. The MCH issues three consecutive Expansion Current Calibrate
commands followed by a Expansion Current Calibrate and Sample command to the targeted MRH-R.
On its ‘expansion’ channel interface (slave RAC), the MRH-R drives the ExDQB[4:3] pins to perform
the current calibration function. On the Direct RDRAM ‘stick’ channel A and ‘stick’ channel B (master
RACs), the MRH-R performs current calibration on the CHx_DQB[2:1] pins. This allows the MCH to
perform current calibration at the same time as the MRH-Rs on the ‘expansion’ channel. Note also that
an MRH-R can perform current calibration on it’s own RACs at the same time as an RDRAM on it’s own
‘stick’ channels since they use different DQ pins.