Since its release, the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor has gone through one revision. The revi-
sion reflects bug fixes, improvements, and the introduction of new features. All Rabbit
3000 revisions are pin-compatible, and transparently replace previous versions of the chip.
The Rabbit 3000 has been supplied in the following versions.
1. Original Rabbit 3000—Available in two packages and identified by IL1T for the
LQFP package and IZ1T for the TFBGA package. The LQFP package began shipping
in March 2002, and the TFBGA package began shipping in January 2003. There were
several bugs:
(a) Port A decode bug—This bug is documented in Rabbit’s Technical Note
TN228, Rabbit 3000 Parallel Port F Bug. The problem involves an incom-
plete address decode of the data output register for Parallel Port A. If Parallel
Port A is used as an output or is used as the bidirectional bus for the slave port,
then writing to any of the Parallel Port F registers will cause a spurious write to
the Parallel Port A register.
(b) LDIR/LDDR with wait states—A new LDIR/LDDR bug was discovered in
September, 2002. The problem has to do with wait states and the block move
operations. With this problem, the first iteration of LDIR/LDDR uses the correct
number of wait states for both the read and the write. However, all subsequent
iterations use the number of waits programmed for the memory located at the
write address for both the read and the write cycles. This becomes a problem
when moving a block of data from a slow memory device requiring wait states
to a fast memory device requiring no wait states. With respect to external I/O
operations, the LDIR or LDDR performs reads with zero wait states independent
of the waits programmed for the I/O for all but the first iteration. The first iter-
ation is correct. This bug is automatically corrected by Dynamic C, and was
fixed in future generations of the chip.
(c) Interrupt after I/O with Short /CSx enabled—When the short chip select option
is enabled, the interrupt sequence will attempt to write the return address to the
stack if an interrupt takes place immediately after an internal or an external I/O
instruction. The chip select will be suppressed during the write cycle, and the
correct return address will not be stored on the stack. This happens only when
an interrupt takes place immediately after an I/O instruction when the short
chip select option is enabled.