Table 3-5. ALU Immediate Instruction (Extended ISA)
Format and Description
Doubleword Add
DADDI rt, rs, immediate
The 16-bit immediate is sign extended to 64 bits and then added to the contents of register rs to form a
64-bit result. The result is stored into register rt.
An exception occurs on the generation of integer overflow.
Doubleword Add
Immediate Unsigned
DADDIU rt, rs, immediate
The 16-bit immediate is sign extended to 64 bits and then added to the contents of register rs to form a
64-bit result. The result is stored into register rt.
No exception occurs on the generation of overflow.
Table 3-6. Three Operand Type Instruction
Format and Description
ADD rd, rs, rt
The contents of registers rs and rt are added together to form a 32-bit result. The result is stored into
register rd. In the 64-bit mode, the operand must be sign extended. An exception occurs on the
generation of integer overflow.
Add Unsigned
ADDU rd, rs, rt
The contents of registers rs and rt are added together to form a 32-bit result. The result is stored into
register rd. In the 64-bit mode, the operand must be sign extended. No exception occurs on the
generation of integer overflow.
SUB rd, rs, rt
The contents of register rt are subtracted from the contents of register rs. The 32-bit result is stored
into register rd. In the 64-bit mode, the operand must be sign extended. An exception occurs on the
generation of integer overflow.
Subtract Unsigned
SUBU rd, rs, rt
The contents of register rt are subtracted from the contents of register rs. The 32-bit result is stored
into register rd. In the 64-bit mode, the operand must be sign extended. No exception occurs on the
generation of integer overflow.
Set On Less Than
SLT rd, rs, rt
The contents of registers rs and rt are compared, treating both operands as signed integers. If the
contents of register rs is less than that of register rt, the result is set to 1; otherwise, the result is set to
0. The result is stored to register rd.
Set On Less Than
SLTU rd, rs, rt
The contents of registers rs and rt are compared treating both operands as unsigned integers. If the
contents of register rs is less than that of register rt, the result is set to 1; otherwise, the result is set to
0. The result is stored to register rd.
AND rd, rt, rs
The contents of register rs are logical ANDed with that of general register rt bit-wise. The result is
stored to register rd.
OR rd, rt, rs
The contents of register rs are logical ORed with that of general register rt bit-wise. The result is stored
to register rd.
Exclusive Or
XOR rd, rt, rs
The contents of register rs are logical Ex-ORed with that of general register rt bit-wise. The result is
stored to register rd.
NOR rd, rt, rs
The contents of register rs are logical NORed with that of general register rt bit-wise. The result is
stored to register rd.