Flash Sector Erase.
The Sector Erase instruc-
tion sequence uses six WRITE operations, as de-
scribed in
Table 107., page 179
. Additional Flash
Sector Erase commands to other sectors within
the same Flash array may be issued by the 8032
if the additional commands are sent within a limit-
ed amount of time.
The Erase Time-out Flag Bit (DQ3) reflects the
time-out period allowed between two consecutive
sector erase instruction sequence bytes. If multi-
ple sector erase commands are desired, the addi-
tional sector erase commands (30h) must be sent
by the 8032 to another sector within 80μs after the
previous sector erase command. DQ3 is 0 before
this time period has expired, indicating it is OK to
issue additional sector erase commands. DQ3 will
go to logic ’1’ if the time has been longer than 80μs
since the previous sector erase command (time
has expired), indicating that is not OK to send an-
other sector erase command. In this case, the
8032 must start a new sector erase instruction se-
quence (unlock and command), beginning again
after the current sector erase operation has com-
During a Sector Erase operation, the memory sta-
tus may be checked by reading the Error Flag Bit
(DQ5), the Toggle Flag Bit (DQ6), and the Data
Polling Flag Bit (DQ7), as detailed in
Reading the
Erase/Program Status Bits, page 180
During a Sector Erase operation, a Flash memory
accepts only Reset Flash and Suspend Sector
Erase instruction sequences. Erasure of one
Flash memory sector may be suspended, in order
to read data from another Flash memory sector,
and then resumed.
The address provided with the initial Flash Sector
107., page 179
) must select the first desired sec-
tor (FSx or CSBOOTx) to erase. Subsequent sec-
tor erase commands that are appended within the
time-out period must be addressed to other de-
sired segments within the same Flash memory ar-
Suspend Sector Erase.
When a Sector Erase
operation is in progress, the Suspend Sector
Erase instruction sequence can be used to sus-
pend the operation by writing B0h to any valid ad-
dress within the Flash array that currently is
undergoing an erase operation. This allows read-
ing of data from a different Flash memory sector
within the same array after the Erase operation
has been suspended. Suspend Sector Erase is
accepted only during an Erase operation.
There is up to 15μs delay after the Suspend Sector
Erase command is accepted and the array goes to
Read Array mode. The 8032 will monitor the Tog-
gle Flag Bit (DQ6) to determine when the erase
operation has halted and Read Array mode is ac-
If a Suspend Sector Erase instruction sequence
was executed, the following rules apply:
Attempting to read from a Flash memory
sector that was being erased outputs invalid
Reading from a Flash memory sector that was
being erased is valid.
The Flash memory
be programmed,
and only responds to Resume Sector Erase
and Reset Flash instruction sequences.
If a Reset Flash instruction sequence is
received, data in the Flash memory sector that
was being erased is invalid.
Resume Sector Erase.
If a Suspend Sector
Erase instruction sequence was previously exe-
cuted, the erase cycle may be resumed with this
instruction sequence. The Resume Sector Erase
instruction sequence consists of writing the com-
mand 30h to any valid address within the Flash ar-
ray that was suspended as shown in
107., page 179
Reset Flash.
The Reset Flash instruction se-
quence resets the embedded algorithm running on
the state machine in the targeted Flash memory
(Main or Secondary) and the memory goes into
Read Array mode. The Reset Flash instruction
consists of one bus WRITE cycle as shown in
ble 107., page 179
, and it must be executed after
any error condition that has occurred during a
Flash memory Program or Erase operation.
It may take the Flash memory up to 25μs to com-
plete the Reset cycle. The Reset Flash instruction
sequence is ignored when it is issued during a
Program or Bulk Erase operation. The Reset Flash
instruction sequence aborts any on-going Sector
Erase operation and returns the Flash memory to
Read Array mode within 25μs.
Reset Signal Applied to Flash Memory.
ever the PSD Module receives a reset signal from
the MCU Module, any operation that is occurring in
either Flash memory array will be aborted and the
array(s) will go to Read Array mode. It may take up
to 25μs to abort an operation and achieve Read
Array mode.
A reset from the MCU Module will result from any
of these events: an active signal on the uPSD34xx
RESET_IN input pin, a watchdog timer time-out,
detection of low V
, or a JTAG debug channel re-
set event.