UPSD3254A, UPSD3254BV, UPSD3253B, UPSD3253BV
As shown in Figure 15, the PSD MODULE con-
sists of five major types of functional blocks:
Memory Block
PLD Blocks
I/O Ports
Power Management Unit (PMU)
JTAG Interface
The functions of each block are described in the
following sections. Many of the blocks perform
multiple functions, and are user configurable.
The PSD MODULE has the following memory
– Primary Flash memory
– Secondary Flash memory
The Memory Select signals for these blocks origi-
nate from the Decode PLD (DPLD) and are user-
defined in PSDsoft Express.
Primary Flash Memory and Secondary Flash
memory Description
The primary Flash memory is divided evenly into
eight equal sectors. The secondary Flash memory
is divided into four equal sectors. Each sector of
either memory block can be separately protected
from Program and Erase cycles.
Flash memory may be erased on a sector-by-sec-
tor basis. Flash sector erasure may be suspended
while data is read from other sectors of the block
and then resumed after reading.
During a Program or Erase cycle in Flash memory,
the status can be output on Ready/Busy (PC3).
This pin is set up using PSDsoft Express Configu-
Memory Block Select Signals
The DPLD generates the Select signals for all the
internal memory blocks (see the section entitled
“PLDs,” page 119). Each of the eight sectors of the
primary Flash memory has a Select signal (FS0-
FS7) which can contain up to three product terms.
Each of the four sectors of the secondary Flash
memory has a Select signal (CSBOOT0-
CSBOOT3) which can contain up to three product
terms. Having three product terms for each Select
signal allows a given sector to be mapped in Pro-
gram or Data space.
Ready/Busy (PC3).
This signal can be used to
output the Ready/Busy status of the Flash memo-
ry. The output on Ready/Busy (PC3) is a '0' (Busy)
when Flash memory is being written to, or
Flash memory is being erased. The output is a '1'
(Ready) when no WRITE or Erase cycle is in
Memory Operation.
The primary Flash memory
and secondary Flash memory are addressed
through the MCU Bus. The MCU can access these
memories in one of two ways:
The MCU can execute a typical bus WRITE or
READ operation
The MCU can execute a specific Flash memory
that consists of several WRITE and
READ operations. This involves writing specific
data patterns to special addresses within the
Flash memory to invoke an embedded
algorithm. These instructions are summarized
in Table 85.
Typically, the MCU can read Flash memory using
READ operations, just as it would read a ROM de-
vice. However, Flash memory can only be altered
using specific Erase and Program instructions. For
example, the MCU cannot write a single byte di-
rectly to Flash memory as it would write a byte to
RAM. To program a byte into Flash memory, the
MCU must execute a Program instruction, then
test the status of the Program cycle. This status
test is achieved by a READ operation or polling
Ready/Busy (PC3).