User’s Manual U13952EJ3V1UD
16-bit compare register 50 (CR50)
This register compares the value set to CR50 with the count value of 16-bit timer counter 50 (TM50), and
when they match, generates an interrupt request (INTTM50).
CR50 is set using a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction.
Values from 0000H to FFFFH can be set.
RESET input sets CR50 to FFFFH.
Cautions 1. Although this register is manipulated by a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction, an 8-
bit memory manipulation instruction can also be used. When manipulated by an 8-bit
memory manipulation instruction, the accessing method should be direct addressing.
2. When rewriting CR50 during a count operation, preset CR50 to interrupt disabled using
interrupt mask flag register 1 (MK1).
Also, set the timer output data to inversion
disabled using 16-bit timer mode control register 50 (TMC50).
If CR50 is rewritten while interrupts are enabled, an interrupt request may be generated
at the time of the rewrite.
16-bit timer counter 50 (TM50)
This is a 16-bit register that counts count pulses.
TM50 is read using a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction.
TM50 is in free-running mode during count clock input.
RESET input sets TM50 to 0000H, after which it enters free-running mode again.
Cautions 1. The count value after releasing stop becomes undefined because the count operation is
executed during the oscillation stabilization time.
2. Although this register is manipulated by a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction, an 8-
bit memory manipulation instruction can also be used. When manipulated by an 8-bit
memory manipulation instruction, the accessing method should be direct addressing.
3. When manipulated by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction, readout should be
performed in order from lower byte to higher byte and must be in pairs.
16-bit capture register 50 (TCP50)
This is a 16-bit register that captures the contents of 16-bit timer counter 50 (TM50).
TCP50 is set using a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction.
RESET input makes TCP50 undefined.
Although this register is manipulated by a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction, an 8-bit
memory manipulation instruction can also be used. When manipulated by an 8-bit memory
manipulation instruction, the accessing method should be direct addressing.
16-bit counter read buffer
This buffer latches the counter value of 16-bit timer counter 50 (TM50) and retains the count value.