1997 Sep 03
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
Low-power dual frequency synthesizer
for radio communications
Table 1
Synthesizer ratio of reference divider
Phase comparators
For each synthesizer, the outputs of the main and
reference dividers drive a phase comparator where a
charge pump produces phase error current pulses for
integration in an external loop filter. The charge pump
current is set by an external resistance R
at pin I
where a temperature-independent voltage of 1.1 V is
generated. R
should be between 12 and 60 k
The charge pump current, I
, can be programmed to be
either (12
) or (24
) with a maximum of 2.3 mA.
The dead zone, caused by finite switching of current
pulses, is cancelled by an internal delay in the phase
detector thus giving improved linearity. The charge pump
has a separate supply, V
, which helps to reduce the
interference on the charge pump output from other parts of
the circuit. V
can be higher than V
if a wider range on
the VCO input is required. V
must not be less than V
Voltage doubler
If required, there is a voltage doubler on-chip to supply the
charge pumps at a higher level than the nominal available
supply. The doubler operates from the digital supply V
and is internally limited to a maximum output of 6 V.
An external capacitor is required on pin V
for smoothing,
the capacitor required to develop the extra voltage is
integrated on-chip. To minimize the noise being introduced
to the charge pump output from the voltage doubler, the
doubler clock is suppressed (provided both loops are
in-lock) for the short time that the charge pumps are active.
The doubler clock (RF/64) is derived from whichever main
divider is operating (synthesizer A has priority). While both
synthesizers are powered down (and the doubler is
enabled), the doubler clock is supplied by a low-current
internal oscillator. The doubler can be disabled by
programming the bit VDON to logic 0, in order to allow an
external charge pump supply to be used.
Out-of-lock indication/output ports
There is a common lock detector on-chip for the
synthesizers. The lock condition of each, or both loops, is
output via an open-drain transistor which drives
pin P0/OOL (when out-of-lock, the transistor is turned on
and therefore the output is forced LOW). The lock
condition output is software selectable (see Table 4).
An out-of-lock condition is flagged when the phase error is
greater than T
, which is approximately 30 ns.
The out-of-lock flag is only released after the first reference
cycle where the phase error is less than T
The out-of-lock function can be disabled, via the serial bus,
and the pin P0/OOL can be used as a port output. Three
other port outputs P1, P2 and P3 (open-drain transistors)
are also available.
Serial programming bus
A simple 3-line unidirectional serial bus is used to program
the circuit. The 3 lines are DATA, CLK and E (enable).
The data sent to the device is loaded in bursts framed
by E. Programming clock edges are ignored until E goes
active LOW. The programmed information is loaded into
the addressed latch when E returns inactive (HIGH). This
is allowed when CLK is in either state without causing any
consequences to the register data. Only the last 21 bits
serially clocked into the device are retained within the
programming register. Additional leading bits are ignored,
and no check is made on the number of clock pulses.
The fully static CMOS design uses virtually no current
when the bus is inactive. It can always capture new
programming data even during power-down of both
However when either synthesizer A or synthesizer B or
both are powered-on, the presence of a TCXO signal is
required at pin 8 (f
) for correct programming.
Data format
Data is entered with the most significant bit first.
The leading bits make up the data field, while the trailing
four bits are an address field. The address bits are
decoded on the rising edge of E. This produces an internal
load pulse to store the data in the addressed latch.
To ensure that data is correctly loaded on first power-up,
E should be held LOW and only taken HIGH after having
programmed an appropriate register. To avoid erroneous
divider ratios, the pulse is inhibited during the period when
data is read by the frequency dividers. This condition is
guaranteed by respecting a minimum E pulse width after
data transfer. The data format and register bit allocations
are shown in Table 2.