Table 3-2. Base Register Field Description (Continued)
Last physical layer node ID that won arbitration. This field contains the physical ID of the node
that last won the arbitration phase on the bus. This field is only valid when the E bit is 1. It is
supplied for system debug purposes. The power-up state of this field is 000000b. The state of
these bits is not affected by bus resets.
Enhanced register map. This bit is set to 1 to signify that additional extended registers beyond
address 0100b are implemented. When this bit is set to 1, the values in the
TSTRB, TDOE, OCDOE fields are valid. When this bit is 0 the values in these fields are not
valid. The power-up state of this field is 1. This bit is always read in a TSB14AA1A as a 1.
Received data line state. When the enhanced (E) bit is 1, the sampled and latched line state
read from this field is valid. This bit reads 1 for a data bit 1 (logical 1) received by the
TSB14AA1A and 0 for a data bit 0 (logical 0). The power-up state of this field is 0. This bit is
updated on a best effort basis. It is not required to be toggled with every change of its
s input pin. It can be expected to be updated at least every 9 SCLKs, the length of
the register read LREQ.
Received strobe line state. When the enhanced (E) bit is 1, the sampled and latched line state
read from this field is valid. This bit reads 1 for a strobe line 1 (logical 1)
received by the TSB14AA1A and 0 for a strobe line 0 (logical 0). The power-up state of this field
is 0. This bit is updated on a best effort basis. It is not required to be toggled with every change
of its namesake
s input pin. It can be expected to be updated at least every 9 SCLKs, the length
of the register read LREQ.
Transfer speed. These bits map exactly to the CLK_SEL0 and CLK_SEL1 pins (CLK_SEL0 is
the left most bit, CLK_SEL1 is the right most bit). This enables software to verify the state of
those pins and therefore the performance level of the bus transfers (100 Mbps or 50 Mbps).
See the definitions for CLK_SEL0 and CLK_SEL1 for decoding. The state of these bits is not
affected by bus resets or state machine resets. Upon power up, hardware reset, or SWHRST
reset these bits are reloaded with the values from the CLK_SEL0 and CLK_SEL1 pins.
Enhanced register count. When the E bit is 1, this field is valid. This field is set to 0101b to
signify that there are five register addresses implemented above 0100b. The power-up state
of this field is 0101b.
Priority setting. These bits contain the priority of the local node. These bits contain the priority
used in the arbitration process and transmitted as the PRI field in the packet header. The
power-up state of this field is 0000b. Bit field 0 maps to priority [0] the most significant bit of the
priority field used during arbitration. The hardware or SWHRST reset state of this field is the
binary state of the external priority pins on the device. The state of these bits is not affected by
bus resets or state machine resets.
When this field is nonzero TSB14AA1A uses urgent arbitration even when a fair request is
made of the PHY by the link. When this field is zero, the PHY uses fair arbitration unless the link
makes an urgent request using an 11-bit LREQ, if this device is configured to accept 11-bit
Product identifier. This field contains the product identifier for the part. For the TSB14AA1A
this field should be 0000b. Bits 0-3 are used to indicate functional changes to the design. The
power-up state of this field for the TSB14AA1A is 0000b.
Enable backplane LREQ. When this bit is set to 1, TSB14AA1A interprets all bus request
LREQs from the link as 11 bits long in the backplane format. The power-up state of this field is
0b. When this bit is set to 0, TSB14AA1A interprets the bus request LREQs as being 7 bits long
(standard cable LLC LREQs). The value of this bit must match the value of its corresponding
bit in the attached link layer or the node will not function properly. Bus reset or state machine
reset does not affect the state of this bit. This bit is cleared to 0 upon HW or SWHRST reset.
Initiate robust bus reset. The IRBR bit is used when operating with 3-state transceivers to
ensure a bus reset is communicated without bus contention. It works equally well for open
collector transceivers. This bit is self-clearing. The power-up state of this field is 0b. This bit
should be used for all SW initiated bus resets. Care should be taken that when writing to the
IRBR bit, other bits in this same register are not changed. This register should be first read,
then the read value should have bit 1 (the bit to be written to the IRBR field) set to 1 and the
value written into the register.