May 1, 2006 S29GL-N_01_A0
She e t
10.14 Volatile Sector Protection Command Set
The Volatile Sector Protection Command Set permits the user to set the Dynamic Protection Bit (DYB) to the
protected state, clear the Dynamic Protection Bit (DYB) to the unprotected state, and read the logic state of
the Dynamic Protection Bit (DYB).
The Volatile Sector Protection Command Set Entry command sequence must be issued prior to any of the
commands listed following to enable proper command execution.
Note that issuing the Volatile Sector Protection Command Set Entry command disables reads and
writes from main memory.
DYB Set Command
DYB Clear Command
The DYB Set and DYB Clear commands are used to protect or unprotect a given sector. The high order
address bits are issued at the same time as the code 00h or 01h on DQ7-DQ0. All other DQ data bus pins
are ignored during the data write cycle. The DYB bits are modifiable at any time, regardless of the state of
the PPB bit or PPB Lock Bit. The DYB bits are cleared to the unprotected state at power-up or hardware
DYB Status Read Command
The programming state of the DYB bit for a given sector can be verified by writing a DYB Status Read
command to the device. This requires an initial access delay.
The Volatile Sector Protection Command Set Exit command must be issued after the execution of the
commands listed previously to reset the device to read mode.
Note that issuing the Volatile Sector Protection Command Set Exit command re-enables reads and
writes to the main memory.
10.15 Secured Silicon Sector Entry Command
The Secured Silicon Sector Entry command allows the following commands to be executed
Read from Secured Silicon Sector
Program to Secured Silicon Sector
Once the Secured Silicon Sector Entry Command is issued, the Secured Silicon Sector Exit command has to
be issued to exit Secured Silicon Sector Mode.
10.16 Secured Silicon Sector Exit Command
The Secured Silicon Sector Exit command may be issued to exit the Secured Silicon Sector Mode.