S-8204A Series
Seiko Instruments Inc.
2. 5 Short circuit Detection Voltage (VSHORT)
The short circuit detection voltage (VSHORT) is the VINI pin’s voltage; when the DOP pin’s voltage is set
to “H” after increasing the VINI pin’s voltage gradually from the initial state after setting the CIT pin’s
voltage to the VSS level.
2. 6 Charge Overcurrent Detection Voltage (VCIOV)
The charge overcurrent detection voltage (VCIOV) is the VINI pin’s voltage; when the COP pin’s voltage
is set to “H” after decreasing the VINI pin’s voltage gradually from the initial status.
2. 7 CTLC Input Voltage “H” (VCTLCH), CTLC Input Voltage “L” (VCTLCL)
The CTLC input voltage “H” (VCTLCH) is the CTLC pin’s voltage; when the COP pin’s voltage is set to
“H” after increasing the CTLC pin’s voltage gradually from the initial status. After that, decreasing the
CTLC pin’s voltage gradually, the CTLC pin’s voltage when the COP pin’s voltage is set to “L”; is the
CTLC input voltage “L” (VCTLCL).
2. 8 CTLD Input Voltage “H” (VCTLDH), CTLD Input Voltage “L” (VCTLDL)
The CTLD input voltage “H” (VCTLDH) is the CTLD pin’s voltage; when the DOP pin’s voltage is set to
“H” after increasing the CTLD pin’s voltage gradually from the initial state. After that, decreasing the
CTLD pin’s voltage gradually, the CTLD pin’s voltage when the DOP pin’s voltage is set to “L”; is the
CTLD input voltage “L” (VCTLDL).
2. 9 SEL Input Voltage “H” (VSELH), SEL Input Voltage “L” (VSELL)
Start from the initial status, set V4 = 0 V. Confirm the DOP is in “H”. After that, decreasing the SEL
pin’s voltage gradually, the SEL pin’s voltage when the DOP pin’s voltage is set to “L”; is the SEL input
voltage “L” (VSELL). After that, increasing the SEL pin’s voltage gradually, the SEL pin’s voltage when
the DOP pin’s voltage is set to “H”; is the SEL input voltage “H” (VSELH).
3. CCT pin Internal Resistance, CDT pin Internal Resistance, CIT pin Internal Resistance 1, CIT pin
Internal Resistance 2, CCT pin Detection Voltage, CDT pin Detection Voltage, CIT pin Detection
Voltage, Short circuit Detection Voltage Delay Time (Test circuit 3)
Confirm both COP and DOP pins are in “L” after setting VVMP = VSEL = VDD, VVINI = VCTLC = VCTLD = CCT
= CDT = CIT = VSS, V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. (This status is referred to as initial state.)
3. 1 CCT pin Internal Resistance (RINC)
The CCT pin internal resistance (RINC) is RINC = VDS / ICCT, ICCT is the current which flows from the CCT
pin when setting V1 = 4.7 V from the initial status.
3. 2 CDT pin Internal Resistance (RIND)
The CDT pin internal resistance (RIND) is RIND = VDS / ICDT, ICDT is the current which flows from the CDT
pin when setting V1 = 1.5 V from the initial status.
3. 3 CIT pin Internal Resistance 1 (RINI1)
The CIT pin internal resistance 1 (RINI1) is RINI1 = VDS / ICIT1, ICIT1 is the current which flows from the CIT
pin when setting VVINI = VDIOV1 max. + 0.05 V from the initial status.
3. 4 CIT pin Internal Resistance 2 (RINI2)
The CIT pin internal resistance 2 (RINI2) is RINI2 = VDS / ICIT2, ICIT2 is the current which flows from the CIT
pin when setting VVINI = VDIOV2 max. + 0.05 V from the initial status.