DS9231A-02 July 2001
transistors (instead of N-channel MOSFETs) are
employed as pass elements. The voltage at this pin is
monitored for power-on reset (POR) purpose.
GND (Pin 17)
Signal ground for the IC. All voltage levels are
measured with respect to this pin.
DRIVE3 (Pin 18)
Connect this pin to the gate of an external MOSEFT.
This pin provides the drive for the 1.5V regulator’s
pass transistor.
VSEN3 (Pin 19)
Connect this pin to the output of the 1.5V linear
regulator. This pin is monitored for under-voltage
FB (Pin 21)
This pin is connected to the PWM converter’s output
VSEN1 (Pin 22)
This pin is connected to the PWM converter’s output
voltage. The PGOOD and OVP comparator circuits use
the signal to report output voltage status and for over-
voltage protection.
OCSET (Pin 23)
Connect a resistor from this pin to the drain of the
respective upper MOSFET. This resistor, an internal
A current source, and the upper MOSFET on-
resistance set the converter over-current trip point. An
over-current trip cycles the soft-start function. The
voltage at this pin is monitored for power-on reset
(POR) purpose and pulling this pin low with an open
drain device will shut down the IC.
PGND (Pin 24)
This is the power ground of UGATE. Tie the
synchronous PWM converter’s lower MOSFET source
to this pin.
LGATE (Pin 25)
Connect LGATE to the PWM converter’s lower
MOSFET gate. This pin provides the gate drive for the
lower MOSFET.
PHASE (Pin 26)
Connect the PHASE pin to the PWM converter’s upper
MOSFET source. This pin represents the gate drive
return current path and is used to monitor the voltage
drop across the upper MOSFET for over-current
UGATE (Pin 27)
Connect UGATE pin to the PWM converter’s upper
MOSFET gate. This pin provides the gate drive for the
upper MOSFET.
VCC (Pin 28)
Provide a 12V bias supply for the IC to this pin. This
pin also provides the gate bias charge for all the
MOSFETs controlled by the IC. The voltage at this pin
monitored for power-on reset (POR) purpose.