Using Using Graphics Tools
Programmer’s Manual
Draw a Vector from a List of Points
(U16 greyLevel U16 numberOfPoints P_POINT
pointPtr U16 style U16 mode)
This routine will draw lines to connect the points in the given list. It has options on
whether the first point and last point need to be connected.
Put a Rectangular Area on Panning Screen
(P_U8 bitmap U16 xSrc U16 ySrc U16 width, U16 height,
U16 style U16 reserved)
This routine puts an image from memory to panning screen.
PutRec() supports style such as REPLACE_STYLE, OR_STYLE, EXOR_STYLE
and AND_STYLE. There is error checking done on the argument style but not on
the value of bitmap.
Example 6-23 Put a bitmap on screen with REPLACE_STYLE
/* put an image on panning screen with top left corner at (0, 0), width 640 and
height 480 */
ret = PutRec(bitmap, 0, 0, 640, 480, REPLACE_STYLE, 0);
The calling of PutRec(bitmap, 0, 0, 640, 480, REPLACE_STYLE, 0) copies the
image from the memory area pointed to by bitmaponto the panning screen.
Figure 6-22 Screen output for Example 6-23
Panning Screen
(50, 50)
(0, 0)
Personal Portable System Manager
Programmer’s Manual
Special cases of PutRec()
The following are the few special cases of PutRec().
Example 6-24 Display one bit per pixel image on 2 bits per pixel LCD
Two similar images will be seen horizontally.
(0, 0)
Example 6-25 LCD Display screen crosses the right boundary of the
panning screen
(0, 0)
Figure 6-23 Screen output for
LCD Display Screen
Figure 6-24 Screen output for
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