1996 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS30412B-page 145
Assembler (MPASM)
The MPASM Cross Assembler is a PC-hosted symbolic
assembler. It supports all microcontroller series includ-
ing the PIC16C5X, PIC16CXX, and PIC17CXX fami-
MPASM offers full featured Macro capabilities, condi-
tional assembly, and several source and listing formats.
It generates various object code formats to support
Microchip's development tools as well as third party
MPASM allows full symbolic debugging from
the Microchip Universal Emulator System
MPASM has the following features to assist in develop-
ing software for specific use applications.
Provides translation of Assembler source code to
object code for all Microchip microcontrollers.
Macro assembly capability.
Produces all the files (Object, Listing, Symbol,
and special) required for symbolic debug with
Microchip’s emulator systems.
Supports Hex (default), Decimal and Octal source
and listing formats.
MPASM provides a rich directive language to support
programming of the PIC16/17. Directives are helpful in
making the development of your assemble source code
shorter and more maintainable.
Data Directives
are those that control the alloca-
tion of memory and provide a way to refer to data
items symbolically; i.e., by meaningful names.
Control Directives
control the MPASM listing dis-
play. They allow the specification of titles and sub-
titles, page ejects and other listing control. This
eases the readability of the printed output file.
Conditional Directives
permit sections of condi-
tionally assembled code. This is most useful
where additional functionality may wished to be
added depending on the product (less functional-
ity for the low end product, then for the high end
product). Also this is very helpful in the debugging
of a program.
Macro Directives
control the execution and data
allocation within macro body definitions. This
makes very simple the re-use of functions in a
program as well as between programs.
Software Simulator (MPSIM)
The MPSIM Software Simulator allows code develop-
ment in a PC host environment. It allows the user to
simulate the PIC16/17 series microcontrollers on an
instruction level. On any given instruction, the user may
examine or modify any of the data areas or provide
external stimulus to any of the pins. The execution can
be performed in; single step, execute until break, or in
a trace mode. MPSIM fully supports symbolic debug-
ging using MP-C and MPASM. The Software Simulator
offers the low cost flexibility to develop and debug code
outside of the laboratory environment making it an
excellent multi-project software development tool.
C Compiler (MP-C)
The MP-C Code Development System is a complete 'C'
compiler and integrated development environment for
Microchip’s PIC16/17 family of microcontrollers. The
compiler provides powerful integration capabilities and
ease of use not found with other compilers.
For easier source level debugging, the compiler pro-
vides symbol information that is compatible with
The MP-C Code Development System is supplied
directly by Byte Craft Limited of Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada. If you have any questions, please contact
your regional Microchip FAE or Microchip technical
support personnel at (602) 786-7627.
Fuzzy Logic Development System
able in two versions - a low cost introductory version,
MP Explorer, for designers to gain a comprehensive
working knowledge of fuzzy logic system design; and a
full-featured version,
TECH-MP, edition for imple-
menting more complex systems.
Both versions include Microchip’s
stration board for hands-on experience with fuzzy logic
systems implementation.
TECH-MP fuzzy logic development tool is avail-