PARE: Parity Error
0: No parity error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
1: At least one parity error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
TIMEOUT: Receiver Time-out
0: There has not been a time-out since the last Start Time-out command (STTTO in US_CR) or the Time-out Register is 0.
1: There has been a time-out since the last Start Time-out command (STTTO in US_CR).
TXEMPTY: Transmitter Empty
0: There are characters in either US_THR or the Transmit Shift Register, or the transmitter is disabled.
1: There are no characters in US_THR, nor in the Transmit Shift Register.
ITER/UNRE: Max number of Repetitions Reached or SPI Underrun Error
– If USART does not operate in SPI Slave Mode (USART_MODE
≠ 0xF):
ITER = 0: Maximum number of repetitions has not been reached since the last RSTSTA.
ITER = 1: Maximum number of repetitions has been reached since the last RSTSTA.
– If USART operates in SPI Slave Mode (USART_MODE = 0xF):
UNRE = 0: No SPI underrun error has occurred since the last RSTSTA.
UNRE = 1: At least one SPI underrun error has occurred since the last RSTSTA.
TXBUFE: Transmission Buffer Empty
0: The signal Buffer Empty from the Transmit PDC channel is inactive.
1: The signal Buffer Empty from the Transmit PDC channel is active.
RXBUFF: Reception Buffer Full
0: The signal Buffer Full from the Receive PDC channel is inactive.
1: The signal Buffer Full from the Receive PDC channel is active.
NACK/LINBK Non Acknowledge or LIN Break Sent or LIN Break Received
– If USART does not operate in LIN Mode (USART_MODE
≠ 0xA AND ≠ 0xB):
0: No Non Acknowledge has not been detected since the last RSTNACK.
– 1: At least one Non Acknowledge has been detected since the last RSTNACK.If USART operates in LIN Master
Mode (USART_MODE = 0xA):
0: No LIN Break has been sent since the last RSTSTA.
– 1:At least one LIN Break has been sent since the last RSTSTAIf USART operates in LIN Slave Mode
0: No LIN Break has received sent since the last RSTSTA.
– 1:At least one LIN Break has been received since the last RSTSTA.LINID: LIN Identifier Sent or LIN
Identifier ReceivedIf USART operates in LIN Master Mode (USART_MODE = 0xA):
0: No LIN Identifier has been sent since the last RSTSTA.
– 1:At least one LIN Identifier has been sent since the last RSTSTA.If USART operates in LIN Slave Mode
0: No LIN Identifier has been received since the last RSTSTA.