MPC8378E PowerQUICC II Pro Processor Hardware Specifications, Rev. 5
Freescale Semiconductor
The junction to ambient thermal resistance is an industry-standard value that provides a quick and easy estimation of thermal
performance. Generally, the value obtained on a single layer board is appropriate for a tightly packed printed circuit board. The
value obtained on the board with the internal planes is usually appropriate if the board has low power dissipation and the
components are well separated. Test cases have demonstrated that errors of a factor of two (in the quantity TJ – TA) are possible.
Estimation of Junction Temperature with Junction-to-Board Thermal
The heat sink cannot be mounted on the package.
The thermal performance of a device cannot be adequately predicted from the junction to ambient thermal resistance. The
thermal performance of any component is strongly dependent on the power dissipation of surrounding components. In addition,
the ambient temperature varies widely within the application. For many natural convection and especially closed box
applications, the board temperature at the perimeter (edge) of the package is approximately the same as the local air temperature
near the device. Specifying the local ambient conditions explicitly as the board temperature provides a more precise description
of the local ambient conditions that determine the temperature of the device.
At a known board temperature, the junction temperature is estimated using the following equation:
TJ = TA + (RJB PD)
TA = ambient temperature for the package (C)
RJB = junction to board thermal resistance (C/W) per JESD51-8
PD = power dissipation in the package (W)
When the heat loss from the package case to the air can be ignored, acceptable predictions of junction temperature can be made.
The application board should be similar to the thermal test condition: the component is soldered to a board with internal planes.
Experimental Determination of Junction Temperature
The heat sink cannot be mounted on the package.
To determine the junction temperature of the device in the application after prototypes are available, use the thermal
characterization parameter (
JT) to determine the junction temperature and a measure of the temperature at the top center of
the package case using the following equation:
TJ = TT + (JT PD)
TJ = junction temperature (C)
TT = thermocouple temperature on top of package (C)
JT = junction to ambient thermal resistance (C/W)
PD = power dissipation in the package (W)
The thermal characterization parameter is measured per the JESD51-2 specification using a 40 gauge type T thermocouple
epoxied to the top center of the package case. The thermocouple should be positioned so that the thermocouple junction rests
on the package. A small amount of epoxy is placed over the thermocouple junction and over about 1 mm of wire extending from
the junction. The thermocouple wire is placed flat against the package case to avoid measurement errors caused by cooling
effects of the thermocouple wire.