MPC8313E PowerQUICC II Pro Processor Hardware Specifications, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
Document Revision History
In Table 63, added LBC_PM_REF_10 & LSRCID3 as muxed with USBDR_PCTL1
In Table 63, added LSRCID2 as muxed with USBDR_PCTL0
In Table 63, added LSRCID1 as muxed with USBDR_PWRFAULT
In Table 63, added LSRCID0 as muxed with USBDR_DRIVE_VBUS
In Table 63, moved T1, U2,& V2 from VDD to XCOREVDD.
In Table 63, moved P2, R2, & T3 from VSS to XCOREVSS.
In Table 63, moved P5, & U4 from VDD to XPADVDD.
In Table 63, moved P3, & V4 from VSS to XPADVSS.
In Table 63, removed “Double with pad” for AVDD1 and AVDD2 and moved AVDD1 and AVDD2 to Power
and Ground Supplies section
In Table 63, added impedance control requirements for SD_IMP_CAL_TX (100 ohms to GND) and
SD_IMP_CAL_RX (200 ohms to GND).
In Table 63, updated muxing in pinout to show new options for selecting IEEE 1588 functionality.
Added footnote 8
In Table 63, updated muxing in pinout to show new LBC ECC boot enable control muxed with
Added pin type information for power supplies.
Removed N1 and N3 from Vss section of Table 63. Added Therm0 and Therm1 (N1 and N3,
respectively). Added note 7 to state: “Internal thermally sensitive resistor, resistor value varies
linearly with temperature. Useful for determining the junction temperature.”
In Table 65 corrected maximum frequency of Local Bus Frequency from “33–66” to 66 MHz
In Table 65 corrected maximum frequency of PCI from “24–66” to 66 MHz
Added “which is determined by RCWLR[COREPLL],” to the note in Section 20.2, “Core PLL
Configuration” about the VCO divider.
Added “(VCOD)” next to VCO divider column in Table 68. Added footnote stating that core_clk
frequency must not exceed its maximum, so 2.5:1 and 3:1
core_clk:csb_clk ratios are invalid for
csb_clk values.
In Table 69, notes were confusing. Added note 3 for VCO column, note 4 for CSB (
csb_clk) column,
note 5 for USB ref column, and note 6 to replace “Note 1”. Clarified note 4 to explain erratum
In Table 69, updated note 6 to specify USB reference clock frequencies limited to 24 and 48 for rev.
2 silicon.
Replaced Table 71 “Thermal Resistance for TEPBGAII with Heat Sink in Open Flow”.
Removed last row of Table 19.
Removed 200 MHz rows from Table 21 and Table 5.
Changed VIH minimum spec from 2.0 to 2.1 for clock, PIC, JTAG, SPI, and reset pins in Table 9,
Table 47, Table 54, Table 59, and Table 61.
Added Figure 4 showing the DDR input timing diagram.
In Table 19, removed “MDM” from the “MDQS-MDQ/MECC/MDM” text under the Parameter
column for the tCISKEW parameter. MDM is an output signal and should be removed from
the input AC timing spec table (tCISKEW).
Added “and power” to rows 2 and 3 in Table 10
Added the sentence “Once both the power supplies...” and PORESET to Section 2.2, “Power
Sequencing,” and Figure 3.
In Figure 35, corrected “USB0_CLK/USB1_CLK/DR_CLK” with “USBDR_CLK”
In Table 42, clarified that AC specs are for ULPI only.
Initial release.
Table 73. Document Revision History (continued)
Substantive Change(s)