Revision History for the MPC5561 Data Sheet
MPC5561 Microcontroller Data Sheet, Rev. 2.0
Freescale Semiconductor
Footnote 1, changed ‘VDDEH = 4.5–5.5;’ to ‘VDDEH = 4.5–5.25;’
Deleted (MTS) from the heading, table, and footnotes.
Footnote 1: Deleted ‘. . .fSYS = 132 MHz. . .’, ‘. . .VDD33 and VDDSYN = 3.0–3.6 V. . .’ and ‘ . . .and CL = 200 pF
with SRC = 0b11.’
Added Footnote 2: ‘This specification does not include the rise and fall times. When calculating the minimum
eMIOS pulse width, include the rise and fall times defined in the slew rate control fields (SRC) of the pad
configuration registers (PCR).’
Footnote 1, changed ‘VDDEH = 4.5–5.5;’ to ‘VDDEH = 4.5–5.25;’
Table Title: Added footnote that reads: Speed is the nominal maximum frequency. Max. speed is the maximum
speed allowed including frequency modulation (FM). 82 MHz parts allow for 80 MHz system clock + 2% FM;
114 MHz parts allow for 112 MHz system clock + 2% FM, and 135 MHz parts allow for 132 MHz system clock +
2% FM.
Table 26 EQADC SSI Timing Characteristics:
Footnote 1, changed ‘VDDEH = 4.5–5.5;’ to ‘VDDEH = 4.5–5.25;’
Deleted from table title ‘(Pads at 3.3 V or 5.0 V)’
Deleted 1st line in table ‘CLOAD = 25 pF on all outputs. Pad drive strength set to maximum.’
Spec 1: FCK frequency -- removed.
Combined footnotes 1 and 2, and moved the new footnote to Spec 2. Moved old footnote 3 to Spec 2.
Footnote 1, deleted ‘VDD = 1.35–1.65 V’ and ‘VDD33 and VDDSYN = 3.0–3.6V.’
Changed ‘CL = 50 pF’ to ‘CL = 25 pF.’
Footnote 2: added ‘cycle’ after ‘duty’ to read: FCK duty cycle is not 50% when . . . .
Changed ball labels on the 324 PBGA to show only signals available on the device:
C1 -> PSCS3, C2 -> PCSC4,
D1 -> PCSC1, D2 -> PCSC2, D3 -> IRQ14
E1 -> IRQ12, E2 -> IRQ15, E3 -> IRQ13, E4 -> IRQ9
F1 -> IRQ11, F2 -> IRQ10, F3 -> PDI_DATA6, F4 -> PDI_DATA7
G1 -> IRQ8, G2 -> PDI_DATA8, G3 -> PCSB4, G4 -> PCSB3
H1 -> PDI_DATA5, H2 -> PCSB5, H3 -> PDICHSEL2
J1 -> PCSB1, J2 -> PDI_DATA0, J3 -> FRN_RX, J4 -> PDICHSEL1
L1 -> FRBTX, L2 -> PDISNCLK, L3 -> GPIO114, L4 -> PDILINEVALID, L20 -> PCSC5, L21 -> PCSC2,
L22 -> PCSC1
M2 -> IRQ7, M19 -> PCSB2, M20 -> TXDC, M21 -> TXDD
N19 -> RXDC, N21 -> PCSB3
AB18 -> PCSC3, AB19 -> PCSC4
Table 29. Information Changed Between Rev. 1.0 and Rev. 2.0 (continued)
Description of Changes