An AIC_IVR read on its own (e.g., by a debugger), modifies neither the AIC context nor the
AIC_ISR. Extra AIC_IVR reads perform the same operations. However, it is recommended to
not stop the processor between the read and the write of AIC_IVR of the interrupt service routine
to make sure the debugger does not modify the AIC context.
To summarize, in normal operating mode, the read of AIC_IVR performs the following opera-
tions within the AIC:
Calculates active interrupt (higher than current or spurious).
Determines and returns the vector of the active interrupt.
Memorizes the interrupt.
Pushes the current priority level onto the internal stack.
Acknowledges the interrupt.
However, while the Protect Mode is activated, only operations 1 to 3 are performed when
AIC_IVR is read. Operations 4 and 5 are only performed by the AIC when AIC_IVR is written.
Software that has been written and debugged using the Protect Mode runs correctly in Normal
Mode without modification. However, in Normal Mode the AIC_IVR write has no effect and can
be removed to optimize the code.
Spurious Interrupt
The Advanced Interrupt Controller features protection against spurious interrupts. A spurious
interrupt is defined as being the assertion of an interrupt source long enough for the AIC to
assert the nIRQ, but no longer present when AIC_IVR is read. This is most prone to occur when:
An external interrupt source is programmed in level-sensitive mode and an active level occurs
for only a short time.
An internal interrupt source is programmed in level sensitive and the output signal of the
corresponding embedded peripheral is activated for a short time. (As in the case for the
An interrupt occurs just a few cycles before the software begins to mask it, thus resulting in a
pulse on the interrupt source.
The AIC detects a spurious interrupt at the time the AIC_IVR is read while no enabled interrupt
source is pending. When this happens, the AIC returns the value stored by the programmer in
AIC_SPU (Spurious Vector Register). The programmer must store the address of a spurious
interrupt handler in AIC_SPU as part of the application, to enable an as fast as possible return to
the normal execution flow. This handler writes in AIC_EOICR and performs a return from
General Interrupt Mask
The AIC features a General Interrupt Mask bit to prevent interrupts from reaching the processor.
Both the nIRQ and the nFIQ lines are driven to their inactive state if the bit GMSK in AIC_DCR
(Debug Control Register) is set. However, this mask does not prevent waking up the processor if
it has entered Idle Mode. This function facilitates synchronizing the processor on a next event
and, as soon as the event occurs, performs subsequent operations without having to handle an
interrupt. It is strongly recommended to use this mask with caution.