Chapter 15 Real-Time Counter (S08RTCV1)
MC9S08DV60 Series Data Sheet, Rev 2
Freescale Semiconductor
The RTC modulo register (RTCMOD) allows the compare value to be set to any value from 0x00 to 0xFF.
When the counter is active, the counter increments at the selected rate until the count matches the modulo
value. When these values match, the counter resets to 0x00 and continues counting. The real-time interrupt
ag (RTIF) is set whenever a match occurs. The ag sets on the transition from the modulo value to 0x00.
Writing to RTCMOD resets the prescaler and the RTCCNT counters to 0x00.
The RTC allows for an interrupt to be generated whenever RTIF is set. To enable the real-time interrupt,
set the real-time interrupt enable bit (RTIE) in RTCSC. RTIF is cleared by writing a 1 to RTIF.
RTC Operation Example
This section shows an example of the RTC operation as the counter reaches a matching value from the
modulo register.
Figure 15-6. RTC counter overow example
In the example of
Figure 15-6, the selected clock source is the internal clock source. The prescaler is set
to RTCPS = %0010 or divide-by-4. The modulo value in the RTCMOD register is set to 0x55. When the
counter, RTCCNT, reaches the modulo value of 0x55, the counter overows to 0x00 and continues
counting. The real-time interrupt ag, RTIF, sets when the counter value changes from 0x55 to 0x00. A
real-time interrupt is generated when RTIF is set, if RTIE = 1.’b00the clock ofthe clock of ip-op is
Initialization/Application Information
This section provides example code to give some basic direction to a user on how to initialize and congure
the RTC module. The example software is implemented in C language.
The example below shows how to implement time of day with the RTC using the 1-kHz clock source to
achieve the lowest possible power consumption. Since the 1-kHz clock source is not as accurate as a
crystal, software can be added for any adjustments. For accuracy without adjustments at the expense of
additional power consumption, the external clock (ERCLK) or the internal clock (IRCLK) can be selected
with appropriate prescaler and modulo values.
RTC clock