Chapter 6 Parallel Input/Output Control
MC9S08SG32 Data Sheet, Rev. 7
Freescale Semiconductor
Edge and Level Sensitivity
A valid edge or level on an enabled pin interrupt sets PTxIF in PTxSC. If PTxIE in PTxSC is set, an
interrupt request is presented to the CPU. To clear PTxIF, write a 1 to PTxACK in PTxSC provided all
enabled pin interrupt inputs are at their de-asserted levels. PTxIF remains set if any enabled pin interrupt
is asserted while attempting to clear by writing a 1 to PTxACK.
Pull-up/Pull-down Resistors
The pin interrupts can be congured to use an internal pull-up/pull-down resistor using the associated I/O
port pull-up enable register. If an internal resistor is enabled, the PTxES register is used to select whether
the resistor is a pull-up (PTxESn = 0) or a pull-down (PTxESn = 1).
Pin Interrupt Initialization
When a pin interrupt is rst enabled, it is possible to get a false interrupt ag. To prevent a false interrupt
request during pin interrupt initialization, the user should do the following:
1. Mask interrupts by clearing PTxIE in PTxSC.
2. Select the pin polarity by setting the appropriate PTxESn bits in PTxES.
3. If using internal pull-up/pull-down device, congure the associated pull enable bits in PTxPE.
4. Enable the interrupt pins by setting the appropriate PTxPSn bits in PTxPS.
5. Write to PTxACK in PTxSC to clear any false interrupts.
6. Set PTxIE in PTxSC to enable interrupts.
Pin Behavior in Stop Modes
Pin behavior following execution of a STOP instruction depends on the stop mode that is entered. An
explanation of pin behavior for the various stop modes follows:
Stop2 mode is a partial power-down mode, whereby I/O latches are maintained in their state as
before the STOP instruction was executed. CPU register status and the state of I/O registers should
be saved in RAM before the STOP instruction is executed to place the MCU in stop2 mode. Upon
recovery from stop2 mode, before accessing any I/O, the user should examine the state of the PPDF
bit in the SPMSC2 register. If the PPDF bit is 0, I/O must be initialized as if a power on reset had
occurred. If the PPDF bit is 1, I/O data previously stored in RAM, before the STOP instruction was
executed, peripherals may require being initialized and restored to their pre-stop condition. The
user must then write a 1 to the PPDACK bit in the SPMSC2 register. Access to I/O is now permitted
again in the user application program.
In stop3 mode, all I/O is maintained because internal logic circuity stays powered up. Upon
recovery, normal I/O function is available to the user.