Chapter 16 Timer/PWM Module (S08TPMV3)
MC9S08SG32 Data Sheet, Rev. 7
Freescale Semiconductor
are used for PWM & output compare operation once normal execution resumes. Writes to the channel
registers while BDM is active do not interfere with partial completion of a coherency sequence. After the
coherency mechanism has been fully exercised, the channel registers are updated using the buffered values
written (while BDM was not active) by the user.
Functional Description
All TPM functions are associated with a central 16-bit counter which allows exible selection of the clock
source and prescale factor. There is also a 16-bit modulo register associated with the main counter.
The CPWMS control bit chooses between center-aligned PWM operation for all channels in the TPM
(CPWMS=1) or general purpose timing functions (CPWMS=0) where each channel can independently be
congured to operate in input capture, output compare, or edge-aligned PWM mode. The CPWMS control
bit is located in the main TPM status and control register because it affects all channels within the TPM
and inuences the way the main counter operates. (In CPWM mode, the counter changes to an up/down
mode rather than the up-counting mode used for general purpose timer functions.)
The following sections describe the main counter and each of the timer operating modes (input capture,
output compare, edge-aligned PWM, and center-aligned PWM). Because details of pin operation and
interrupt activity depend upon the operating mode, these topics will be covered in the associated mode
explanation sections.
All timer functions are based on the main 16-bit counter (TPMxCNTH:TPMxCNTL). This section
discusses selection of the clock source, end-of-count overow, up-counting vs. up/down counting, and
manual counter reset.
Counter Clock Source
The 2-bit eld, CLKSB:CLKSA, in the timer status and control register (TPMxSC) selects one of three
possible clock sources or OFF (which effectively disables the TPM). See
Table 16-4. After any MCU reset,
CLKSB:CLKSA=0:0 so no clock source is selected, and the TPM is in a very low power state. These
control bits may be read or written at any time and disabling the timer (writing 00 to the CLKSB:CLKSA
eld) does not affect the values in the counter or other timer registers.