Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
M68HC11E Family Data Sheet, Rev. 5.1
Freescale Semiconductor
MSTR — Master Mode Select Bit
It is customary to have an external pullup resistor on lines that are driven by open-drain devices.
0 = Slave mode
1 = Master mode
CPOL — Clock Polarity Bit
When the clock polarity bit is cleared and data is not being transferred, the SCK pin of the master
device has a steady state low value. When CPOL is set, SCK idles high. Refer to
Figure 8-2 and
8.4CPHA — Clock Phase Bit
The clock phase bit, in conjunction with the CPOL bit, controls the clock-data relationship between
master and slave. The CPHA bit selects one of two different clocking protocols. Refer to
Figure 8-2SPR[1:0] — SPI Clock Rate Select Bits
These two bits select the SPI clock (SCK) rate when the device is configured as master. When the
device is configured as slave, these bits have no effect. Refer to
Table 8-1.
8.7.2 Serial Peripheral Status Register
SPIF — SPI Interrupt Complete Flag
SPIF is set upon completion of data transfer between the processor and the external device. If SPIF
goes high, and if SPIE is set, a serial peripheral interrupt is generated. To clear the SPIF bit, read the
SPSR with SPIF set, then access the SPDR. Unless SPSR is read (with SPIF set) first, attempts to
write SPDR are inhibited.
WCOL — Write Collision Bit
Clearing the WCOL bit is accomplished by reading the SPSR (with WCOL set) followed by an access
0 = No write collision
1 = Write collision
Table 8-1. SPI Clock Rates
E Clock By
Frequency at
E = 1 MHz
Frequency at
E = 2 MHz
Frequency at
E = 3 MHz (
Frequency at
E = 4 MHz
0 0
500 kHz
1.0 MHz
1.5 MHz
2 MHz
0 1
250 kHz
500 kHz
750 kHz
1 MHz
1 0
62.5 kHz
125 kHz
187.5 kHz
250 kHz
1 1
31.3 kHz
62.5 kHz
93.8 kHz
125 kHz
Bit 7
Bit 0
= Unimplemented
Figure 8-4. Serial Peripheral Status Register (SPSR)