Development Support
M68HC11E Family — Rev. 5
Data Sheet
Development Support
16 general-purpose logic clips, four of which can be used to trigger the
bus state analyzer sequencer
16-bit time tag or an optional 24-bit time tag that reduces the logic clips
traced from 16 to eight
Four data breakpoints (hardware breakpoints)
Hardware instruction breakpoints over either the 64-Kbyte M68HC11
memory map or over a 1-Mbyte bank switched memory map
32 real-time variables, nine of which can be displayed in the variables
window. These variables may be read or written while the MCU is running
32 bytes of real-time memory can be displayed in the memory window. This
memory may be read or written while the MCU is running
64 Kbytes of fast emulation memory (SRAM)
Current-limited target input/output connections
Six software-selectable oscillator clock sources: five internally generated
frequencies and an external frequency via a bus analyzer logic clip
Command and response logging to MS-DOS
disk files to save session
SCRIPT command for automatic execution of a sequence of MMDS11
Assembly or C-language source-level debugging with global variable
Host/emulator communications speeds as high as 57,600 baud for quick
program loading
Extensive on-line MCU information via the CHIPINFO command. View
memory map, vectors, register, and pinout information pertaining to the
device being emulated
Host software supports:
An editor
An assembler and user interface
Source-level debug
Bus state analysis
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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