Rev. 4.1
Advance Information
Freescale Semiconductor
As the byte shifts out on the MOSI pin of the master, another byte shifts
in from the slave on the master’s MISO pin. The transmission ends when
the receiver full bit, SPRF (SPSCR), becomes set. At the same time that
SPRF becomes set, the byte from the slave transfers to the receive data
register. In normal operation, SPRF signals the end of a transmission.
Software clears SPRF by reading the SPI status and control register and
then reading the SPI data register. Writing to the SPI data register clears
the SPTIE bit.
18.5.2 Slave Mode
The SPI operates in slave mode when the SPMSTR bit (SPCR $0010)
is clear. In slave mode the SPSCK pin is the input for the serial clock
from the master MCU. Before a data transmission occurs, the SS pin of
the slave MCU must be at logic 0. SS must remain low until the
transmission is complete. (See
18.7.2 Mode Fault Error
In a slave SPI module, data enters the shift register under the control of
the serial clock from the master SPI module. After a byte enters the shift
register of a slave SPI, it is transferred to the receive data register, and
the SPRF bit (SPSCR) is set. To prevent an overflow condition, slave
software then must read the SPI data register before another byte enters
the shift register.
The maximum frequency of the SPSCK for an SPI configured as a slave
is the bus clock speed, which is twice as fast as the fastest master
SPSCK clock that can be generated. The frequency of the SPSCK for an
SPI configured as a slave does not have to correspond to any SPI baud
rate. The baud rate only controls the speed of the SPSCK generated by
an SPI configured as a master. Therefore, the frequency of the SPSCK
for an SPI configured as a slave can be any frequency less than or equal
to the bus speed.
When the master SPI starts a transmission, the data in the slave shift
register begins shifting out on the MISO pin. The slave can load its shift
register with a new byte for the next transmission by writing to its transmit
data register. The slave must write to its transmit data register at least
one bus cycle before the master starts the next transmission. Otherwise,
the byte already in the slave shift register shifts out on the MISO pin.