Technical Data
MC68HC908AZ60A — Rev 1.1
Freescale Semiconductor
prescaler — A circuit that generates an output signal related to the input signal by a fractional
scale factor such as 1/2, 1/8, 1/10 etc.
program — A set of computer instructions that cause a computer to perform a desired operation
or operations.
program counter (PC) — A 16-bit register in the CPU08. The PC register holds the address of
the next instruction or operand that the CPU will use.
pull — An instruction that copies into the accumulator the contents of a stack RAM location. The
stack RAM address is in the stack pointer.
pullup — A transistor in the output of a logic gate that connects the output to the logic 1 voltage
of the power supply.
pulse-width — The amount of time a signal is on as opposed to being in its off state.
pulse-width modulation (PWM) — Controlled variation (modulation) of the pulse width of a
signal with a constant frequency.
push — An instruction that copies the contents of the accumulator to the stack RAM. The stack
RAM address is in the stack pointer.
PWM period — The time required for one complete cycle of a PWM waveform.
RAM — Random access memory. All RAM locations can be read or written by the CPU. The
contents of a RAM memory location remain valid until the CPU writes a different value or
until power is turned off.
RC circuit — A circuit consisting of capacitors and resistors having a defined time constant.
read — To copy the contents of a memory location to the accumulator.
register — A circuit that stores a group of bits.
reserved memory location — A memory location that is used only in special factory test modes.
Writing to a reserved location has no effect. Reading a reserved location returns an
unpredictable value.
reset — To force a device to a known condition.
ROM — Read-only memory. A type of memory that can be read but cannot be changed (written).
The contents of ROM must be specified before manufacturing the MCU.
SCI — See "serial communication interface module (SCI)."
serial — Pertaining to sequential transmission over a single line.