USER’S MANUAL Serial Message Buffers
To allow double buffering of messages, the TouCAN has two shadow buffers called
serial message buffers. These two buffers are used by the TouCAN for buffering both
received messages and messages to be transmitted. Only one serial message buffer
is active at a time, and its function depends upon the operation of the TouCAN at that
time. At no time does the user have access to or visibility of these two buffers. Message Buffer Activation/Deactivation Mechanism
Each message buffer must be activated once it is configured for the desired operation
by the user. A buffer is activated by writing the appropriate code to the control/status
word for that buffer. Once the buffer is activated, it will begin participating in the normal
transmit and receive processes.
Likewise, a buffer is deactivated by writing the appropriate deactivation code to the
control/status word for that buffer. Deactivation of a buffer is typically done when the
user desires to reconfigure the buffer, for example to change the buffer’s function (RX
to TX or TX to RX). Deactivation should also be done before changing a receive buff-
er’s message identifier or before loading a new message to be transmitted into a trans-
mit buffer.
For more details on activation and deactivation of message buffers, and the effects on Message Buffer Lock/Release/Busy Mechanism
In addition to the activation/deactivation mechanism, the TouCAN also utilizes a lock/
release/busy mechanism to assure data coherency during the receive process. The
mechanism includes a lock status for each message buffer, and utilizes the two serial
message buffers to facilitate frame transfers within the TouCAN.
Reading the control/status word of a receive message buffer triggers the lock for that
buffer. While locked, a received message cannot be transferred into that buffer from
one of the SMBs.
Table 13-5 Standard Format Frames
16-Bit Time
The ID LOW word, which is not needed for standard format, is used in a standard format buffer
to store the 16-bit value of the free-running timer which is captured at the beginning of the iden-
tifier field of the frame on the CAN bus.
Contains bits [28:18] of the identifier, located in the ID HIGH word of the message buffer. The four
least significant bits in this register (corresponding to the IDE bit and ID[17:15] for an extended
identifier message) must all be written as logic zeros to ensure proper operation of the TouCAN.
This bit is located in the ID HIGH word of the message buffer;
0 = data frame, 1 = remote frame.
If the TouCAN transmits this bit as a one and receives it as a zero, an “arbitration loss” is indicat-
ed. If the TouCAN transmits this bit as a zero and is receives it as a one, a bit error is indicated.
If the TouCAN transmits a value and receives a matching response, a successful bit transmission
is indicated.
336376UMBook Page 6 Friday, November 15, 1996 2:09 PM