Chapter 13 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC12B16CV1)
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 1.21
Freescale Semiconductor
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Table 13-15. ATDCTL5 Field Descriptions
Special Channel Conversion Bit — If this bit is set, then special channel conversion can be selected using CD,
CC, CB and CA of ATDCTL5.
Table 13-16 lists the coding.
0 Special channel conversions disabled
1 Special channel conversions enabled
Continuous Conversion Sequence Mode — This bit selects whether conversion sequences are performed
continuously or only once. If external trigger is enabled (ETRIGE=1) setting this bit has no effect, that means
external trigger always starts a single conversion sequence.
0 Single conversion sequence
1 Continuous conversion sequences (scan mode)
Multi-Channel Sample Mode — When MULT is 0, the ATD sequence controller samples only from the specied
analog input channel for an entire conversion sequence. The analog channel is selected by channel selection
code (control bits CD/CC/CB/CA located in ATDCTL5). When MULT is 1, the ATD sequence controller samples
across channels. The number of channels sampled is determined by the sequence length value (S8C, S4C, S2C,
S1C). The rst analog channel examined is determined by channel selection code (CD, CC, CB, CA control bits);
subsequent channels sampled in the sequence are determined by incrementing the channel selection code or
wrapping around to AN0 (channel 0).
0 Sample only one channel
1 Sample across several channels
Analog Input Channel Select Code — These bits select the analog input channel(s) whose signals are
sampled and converted to digital codes.
Table 13-16 lists the coding used to select the various analog input
In the case of single channel conversions (MULT=0), this selection code species the channel to be examined.
In the case of multiple channel conversions (MULT=1), this selection code species the rst channel to be
examined in the conversion sequence. Subsequent channels are determined by incrementing the channel
selection code or wrapping around to AN0 (after converting the channel dened by the Wrap Around Channel
Select Bits WRAP3-0 in ATDCTL0). In case of starting with a channel number higher than the one dened by
WRAP3-0 the rst wrap around will be AN15 to AN0.