Commutation Waveforms
The MC1231A supports two commutation waveforms, a 120 degree
offset waveformappropriate for 3-phase brushless motors, and a 90-
degree offset waveformappropriate for 2-phase brushless motors. To
specify the 3-phase brushless waveformthe command SET_PHASE_3
is used, and to set it for 2-phase brushless motors the command
SET_PHASE_2 is used.
Depending on the waveformselected, as well as the motor output mode
selected (PWMor DAC16), either 2 or 3 commutated output signals per
axis will be provided by the chipset. The following chart shows this.
Motor Output Mode
#of Output signals
& Name
3 (A, B, C)
2 (A, B)
2 (A, B)
2 (A, B)
For specific pin assignments of the PWMand DAC16 motor output
signals see the section of this manual entitled 'Pin Descriptions'.
The diagrambelow shows the phase A, B, and C commutation signals
for a 3-phase brushless motor, and the phase A and phase B signals
for a 2-phase brushless motor.
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
120 Deg
Phase A
Phase B
90 Deg
3-Phase Brushless
2-Phase Brushless
Commutation Parameters
To performsinusoidal commutation it is necessary to specify the #of
encoder counts per electrical cycle. To determne this value the #of
magnetic poles on the motor, along with the number of encoder counts
per motor revolution must be known. Knowing these two quantities the
number of encoder counts per electrical cycle is given by the following
Counts_per_cycle = 2*Counts_per_rot/N_poles
Counts_per_rot is the #of enc. counts per motor rotation
N_poles is the number of motor poles
The command used to set the number of encoder counts per electrical
cycle is SET_PHASE_CNTS. To read back this value use the
The smallest allowed value for the number of counts per electrical
cycle is 129 (decimal).
Index Pulse Referencing
To enhance long termcommutation reliability the MC1231A provides
the ability to utilize an index pulse input fromthe motor encoder as a
reference point during commutation. By using an index pulse during the
phase calculations any long termloss of encoder counts which mght
otherwise affect the accuracy of the commutation are automatically
To utilize index pulse referencing the motor encoder chosen must
provide an index pulse signal to the chipset once per rotation. This
index pulse is connected to the chipset using the Index signal of the I/O
chip (see Pin Descriptions section for more information).
Index pulse referencing is recommended for all rotary brushless motors
with quadrature encoders. For linear brushless motors it is generally not
used, although it can be used as long as the index pulses are arranged
so that each pulse occurs at the same phase angle within the
commutation cycle.
When using an index pulse the number of encoder counts per electrical
cycle is not required to be an exact integer. In the case that this value is
not an integer, the nearest integer should be chosen. Conversely, if
index pulses are not being used then the number of counts per
electrical cycle must be an exact integer, with no remainder.
For example if a 6-pole brushless motor is to be used with an encoder
without an index pulse than an encoder with 1200 counts per rotation
would be an appropriate choice, but an encoder with 1024 would not
because 1024 can not be divided by 3 evenly.
Index pulse referencing is performed automatically by the chipset,
regardless of the initialization scheme used (algorithmic, Hall-
based, microstepping, or direct set).